On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
Today will bring another day of clear skies and warm temperatures. The high will reach 79° with the low tonight near 65°. Only 125 new cases of influenza have been reported in the last 24 hours. The number of deaths from the disease in that time period are yet to be compiled.
Tomorrow this city will return to a semblance of normalcy. Saloons, bars, theatres and other places of public amusement will open. The closures of saloons and places of amusement in other nearby cities are also being lifted. Chester, Camden and Wilmington will also lift their bans tomorrow. Unfortunately, there are still areas of Pennsylvania where the epidemic is raging. Lackawanna, Northumberland and Luzern counties are particularly suffering. Also, Pittsburgh is still in the grip of the flu with the number of deaths there rising each day.
This year’s Halloween will be one without jack-o-lanterns. Howard Heinz, director of Pennsylvania’s food administration department, has prohibited the use of pumpkins for such things as a waste of food. Also forbidden is the wasting of corn, beans, peas and apples. Mr. Heinz has declared that it is every Pennsylvanians’ patriotic duty to avoid the waste of these food stuffs in Halloween celebrations and parties.
Reports from Constantinople are that the Ottoman Empire has presented peace proposals to the Entente nations. The report further states the negotiations will end soon. The United States is not at war with Turkey. From Berlin comes the news that General Erich Ludendorff, first quartermaster general of the German Army and the supposed architect of the 1918 German offensive, has resigned from the army.
Hungary has declared its independence from Austria. The new state will be democratic and anti-dynastic. The interim ruler is Count Michael Karolyi, a longtime opponent of the war and known to be anti-German. In February he was accused of high treason. Count Karolyi is president of the Hungarian Independence Party. Hungary is one of the oldest states in Europe. The kingdom of Hungary was created in 889 A.D. In 1526 it was united to Austria but has always fiercely retained its identity and has fought many battles for independence.
On the western front at the American sector north of Verdun the day was marked by heavy artillery exchanges on both sides of the Meuse River. In the Woevre sector American troops successfully raided enemy lines and took numerous prisoners. On the southern front the Italians have crossed the Piave River driving the Austrians back. The Italians, assisted by British and French troops, are advancing along a 60 mile front and taking thousands of prisoners. In Albania the Italians are also meeting with success capturing the town of Alessio, 20 miles south of Scutari.