On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


Yesterday’s torrential rain gave way to fair skies today. The high will reach 61° with the low tonight about 51°. Mr. Bruce C. Wenner of this city has been given the honor of designing the cemeteries for American soldiers killed in France. Mr. Wenner, 26 years old, is a graduate of Central High School and the University of Pennsylvania. He received his degree in architecture in 1916.

The new Acting Superintendent of Police William B. Mills has issued an edict to the force that they “clean up all vice and protect the men in uniform or get out”. Mills was appointed in consultation with the Navy Department after Superintendent Robinson was forced to resign. Mayor Smith has allowed Robinson to go away on vacation while the transition occurs. Acting Superintendent Mills was formerly a captain in the traffic squad and has always had a reputation for being “clean”. He is also a former army man.

Mr. Mills will work with Marine Colonel Hatch to clean out the “vice resorts” which have become a plague to the soldiers, sailors and marines stationed in this city. The Mayor has also issued an order for police to arrest all loafers and panhandlers. That order also directs any landlord with tenants operating a “disorderly house” to evict them immediately or be hauled into court. Many in City Hall believe that in effect the Police Department has been commandeered by the military.

On the sports beat today in baseball, the A’s beat the Senators down in Washington, 5 to 1. Scott Perry got the win for the Mackmen and the Kansas Cyclone, Walter Johnson, took the loss for Washington. Here at National League Park the Phillies hosted Brooklyn and shutout the Robbins 3 to 0. Joe Oeschger went all 9 innings for the win. The Phillies are in 2nd place in the National League while Brooklyn sits at the bottom of the standings at 0 and 5.


Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the most famous and perhaps the greatest German aviator was killed on Sunday while flying over the Somme Valley. Von Richthofen had recently achieved his 78th victory. Today he was buried by the British with full military honors (shown below). The British showed this fierce adversary of the air the highest respect by conducting the ceremony as though they were burying one of their own flying heroes. It is believed the Baron was 26 years old.

Manfred von Richthofen