On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


There will be cloudy skies over the city today with the probability of rain tonight. The high will reach 60° with the low tonight near 49°. General Pershing’s headquarters released the casualty list for today and on it were the names of 23 soldiers from this city. Fourteen of those men died in battle while nine died from wounds or disease. In total the American dead numbered 475 today. This is a stark reminder that the war continues.

The Board of Education today voted to give each of the 6,000 public school teachers a bonus of $50.00 this year. The gift is meant to help with the rising cost of living in the city and keep teachers from leaving the occupation for more lucrative positions in war industries. Also today representatives of this city’s charitable organizations met in the office of Dr. Wilmer Krusen, Director of the Department of Health and Charities. The meeting was held to organize a charitable fund for the benefit of destitute women and little children who were widowed and orphaned by the influenza. The goal is to raise $50,000.00 for the support of these unfortunates.


Yesterday morning at 9:00am delegates from Germany arrived at French General Foch’s headquarters to discuss an armistice. General Foch, allied commander-in-chief, received the delegates in the railway car he uses as his headquarters. The Germans (speaking in French) asked what the allies’ terms for an armistice are. General Foch removed a paper from his pocket and read the terms in a clear, loud voice. On provision was that Germany must respond to the Allied terms by 11:00am on Monday, November 11. The German delegation posed a few questions to the General and then requested permission to retire and convey the terms to Berlin via telegraph. American Vice Admiral William S. Sims attended the meeting but took no part in the negotiations.

On the western front, British forces have captured the fortress city of Maubeuge. In Flanders the British are closing in on Toutnai and are now 9 miles west of Brussels. The French are continuing their advance along a wide front. American troops are also advancing east of the Meuse River. Our men are facing heavy resistance from German machine gun units and small artillery barrages. At present the Americans are heading toward the ancient city of Sedan which has been occupied by the Germans since the beginning of the war.