On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


Today’s weather will bring fair skies with slightly warmer temperatures. The high today will reach 75° with the low tonight near 52°. Local veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic dined at the Dooner Hotel, 23 South 10th Street, last night to celebrate the birthday of General Ulysses S. Grant. The men are members of the George G. Meade Post No. 1. The Post has the honor of claiming General Grant as a member. He joined the Post in 1877 while visiting Philadelphia. The General’s actual birthday is April 27 but the men held the gathering last night to avoid conflicting with Liberty Loan festivities.

The man who hired the New York thugs responsible for killing Police Officer Eppley in the 5th Ward last September during a primary election has been captured. “Little Nick” Ritto was arrested in New York yesterday after hiding out since the murder. He may prove to be one of the Commonwealth’s most important witnesses in the trial of the conspirators, including Police Lieutenant Bennett, who are charged with the murder.

Eleven of Pershing’s veterans, the “First Americans” to fight in the trenches of France are visiting Philadelphia today as part of the Third Liberty Loan Campaign. Each man has suffered wounds in the fight and some have been gassed. They are here to tell their stories and speak of the threat that German barbarism holds for the freedom loving people of the world. The story of these men almost certainly has played a part in the increase of subscriptions. Just yesterday Philadelphia raised almost $9,000,000.00. Additional credit for the increase this week must be attributed to Mr. John Wanamaker, his son Rodman and his employees. Mr. Wanamaker has pledged $750,000.00, Rodman Wanamaker another $750,000.00 and the Philadelphia employees of the department store $650,000.00.


American forces are now stationed between Paris and the Channel and await the call of French General Foch to engage the Germans in Picardy. Further south in the area of the Lorraine the Germans have opened an artillery bombardment obviously designed to keep the Americans there from moving north. British Field Marshal Haig has reported that the German advance in Flanders has been halted. The focal point of the German drive was the taking of Ypres but the British have held that city despite the incessant assaults of infantry, artillery and airborne bombing.