On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


This will be another day of partly cloudy skies for the city and region. The high will again reach 90° with the overnight low only 71°. The Pennsylvania Railroad is preparing for a rush of shore goers to Atlantic City and points south. The oppressive heat of this last week is sure to send all who can towards the seaside and the cool ocean breezes. The Railroad has brought in 30 additional ticket sellers to its Market Street Station and will have 7 additional windows open for business.

A shooting occurred last night in South Philadelphia when about 20 white men attacked the home of Mrs. Della White Bond, a negress, at 2936 Ellsworth Street. Apparently the men were upset with Mrs. Bond moving into the neighborhood. The men gathered in front of the woman’s home and hurled rocks and bricks at the house breaking the windows. It is also alleged that shots were fired at the home. The crowd scattered when Mrs. Bond appeared at a window with a pistol of her own and fired once into the crowd hitting Joseph Kelly of 2211 Carpenter Street in the leg. By that time a platoon of police had arrived and charged at the remaining men. Arrested were Mr. Kelly’s brother, William and John Hart of 1251 South Newkirk Street.  Police say that racial prejudice was behind the attack.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the incident that began a series of race riots that would engulf part of South Philadelphia until July 30. During the course of the next 4 days it is estimated that at different times a total of perhaps 5000 people waged battles in the streets of that neighborhood. When the riots were over dozens of people had been injured. Some were shot, others stabbed and many beaten. Four people would be dead, 3 white men and one black man. Sixty blacks and three whites would be arrested during the melees.]

A patriotic parade and flag rising was held in Nicetown today. The parade included workers from the numerous war munitions plants of the neighborhood, Red Cross units, veterans of the Civil War and Boy and Girl Scout troops. Midvale Steel Company trucks were also included carrying artillery shells for people to see and touch. Soon these shells will be doing their bit in France. The flag was a gift of the Sauquiet Silk Mills and measured 12’ by 20’. The pole the flag was raised on was contributed by various steel concerns in the area.

The Navy Yard at League Island has completed and shipped its first order for 50 flying boats. Some of the machines are actually already flying over British waters. This news was reveled in a letter today from Navy Secretary Daniels to Constructor Coburn, U.S.N., congratulating him and his department of the quick and efficient work done to manufacture the air boats.

Today’s casualty report lists three Philadelphians as severely wounded. They are Corporal Leonard Langsdorff, U.S.A., 35 years old of 623 East Thompson Street, Private Samuel Curione, U.S.A., 18 years old of 746 Passyunk Avenue and Raymond McHenry, U.S.N., 22 years old of 5732 Malcom Street.