On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The skies will grow increasing cloudy throughout the day with the possibility of showers late tonight or early tomorrow. The high will be near 83° with the low tonight about 59°. The Philadelphia division of the Woman’s Land Army is requesting the loan of automobiles or Ford trucks to be used in transporting the ladies to and from their work in the fields. Anyone able to make such a loan should contact the Land Army at 2014 Chestnut Street or telephone Locust 4816.

Philadelphia’s women are rushing to do their bit and help to win the war. At recruiting stations around the city our ladies are signing up for any work they can perform in factories, mills or farms. The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania has set up 5 recruiting stations and when they opened this morning the women poured in. One station signed up women to work at a new factory at 25th & Reed Streets where uniforms are being made for our boys. Several hundred women offered their services today for the work at that factory. Several thousand more will be needed. Recruiting stations are located at 134 South 3rd Street, 1428 Walnut Street, 135 South 16th Street, 1607 Walnut Street and 1729 Chestnut Street.

Today female enemy alien residents must begin registering with the police. The registration includes all girls over 14 years old and all women of German birth as well as any woman married to a German subject. Each woman is required to provide 3 photographs for identification. They will also be fingerprinted. The women can report to any police station any day except Sunday. The registration will continue until June 26. Those failing to register are subject to arrest.

In international news, reports are that the Spanish “Grip” or flu has spread to Berlin. German censorship prohibits the publication of the number of victims. But rumors in Amsterdam are that the disease is affecting the people much more seriously than in Spain due to the weakness of the population because of food shortages.


Two German assaults on American forces in Belleau Wood were beaten off Saturday night and Sunday morning. The Boches were driven off suffering heavy losses. In neither attack did American forces suffer a single casualty. On the Italian front, the Austrian offensive appears to have been stopped. Although the battle is raging along a 100 mile front the Allies have checked the Austrians at every point and given up only minimal territory. The fighting continues from the Asiago Plateau in the mountains to the Adriatic Sea. British and French troops are supporting the Italians and there is now word that American forces will soon be fighting with them.