On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
There will be partly cloudy skies over Philadelphia today. The high will reach 72° with the low about 56°. The schools and churches of this city have been told by the Philadelphia Department of Health that they can open their doors. The action was taken against the wishes of the State Health Department which wanted the closings to continue until more evidence that the influenza epidemic was waning was collected. All places of worship were permitted to open today and of course tomorrow. Schools are permitted to open on Monday. The opening of saloons and bars will have to wait until the State’s Department of Health comes to an agreement with the city because the sale of alcohol is under the auspices of the Commonwealth. Dr. Wilmer Krusen, Director of the Philadelphia Department of Health, asserts the epidemic here is well under control. Only 12 deaths and 186 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours.
There are 82 children being housed in a formerly vacant building at 832 Pine Street. The children were made orphans by the epidemic. The children are being cared for by the Red Cross and it is hoped that good families can be found to take these unfortunates into their home and show them the kindness and love they so richly deserve.
The Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, Izzet Pasha, is quoted as telling the Parliament in Constantinople that the Turkish people are tired of war. He declared that Turkey will accept peace on the terms proposed by President Wilson in his speeches to Congress on January 8 and September 27 of 1918.
Our boys have adopted a new slogan as they march towards Germany, “Heaven, Hell or Home by Christmas” is what they shout. In fighting north of Verdun our troops are facing fierce German resistance but are making steady gains. In Belgium and Northern France the Germans are also putting up stiff resistance to British and French attacks. The heaviest fighting is occurring around Valenciennes. At last count 9000 German prisoners have been taken by the British and well as over 100 artillery pieces. On the southern front, the Italians have crossed the Oric River driving the Austrians back. Also on the Piave River Italian troops, reinforced by British and French units, have captured the Grave, Pattadapoli and Maggiore Islands.