On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
The heat wave continues today and all hope of rain this evening providing a cooling has been dismissed by the Weather Bureau. For today the skies will remain partly cloudy with the high reaching 94° and the low tonight only about 73°. At midnight this morning the temperature was measured at 83° in center city. Today two people reportedly died of heat related causes. One was an 8 day old boy named Joseph Mastacci of 1213 South 4th Street. Many others have fallen ill with heat prostration.
Three thousand high school boys will be invited to join the Boys Working Reserve helping area farmers. There all already 750 boys working with the Reserve. Those boys received training at Pennsylvania State College. The additional boys are needed for the upcoming corn and potato harvests.
One hundred and eighty Chinese men were arrested over the last few days and are now being held at the immigration station at Gloucester. The men entered the country illegally, mostly by deserting from ships in port. They were caught working at munitions plants in the area and will be deported back to China as soon as a ship can be obtained to take them. Until then they will remain in custody.
Down at Hog Island lunch time is now a bit more fun. A boxing ring has been erected and any willing man can sign up for a bout. Some may just want a challenge while others may have a chip on their shoulders but either way they will find an opponent. The fights are always accompanied by the Guards Band and usually joined by one or more vocalists providing musical entertainment for the onlookers.
Two more Philadelphia men have died in France. They are Lieutenant Arthur Elmore, U.S.A., of 302 School Lane in Germantown and Private Hugh A. Sterling, U.S.M.C., 4403 Osage Avenue. Reported as severely wounded is Private Daniel L. McMenamin, U.S.M.C., of 507 North 63rd Street and reported as taken prisoner is Private Daniel L. McMenamin, U.S.M.C., of 119 East Duval Street.
American, French and British forces are striking the Germans from Lys to Champagne. American and French troops have crossed the Marne along a 12 mile front between Jaulgonne and Chateau-Thierry. The Germans appear to be making a stand just north of Chateau-Thierry. They have begun a heavy artillery barrage against our troops. But General Pershing has brought up American artillery and those guns are replying with vigor. Between Rheims and the Marne the British have taken Petitchamp Wood. The Allies have also taken the fight to the air. French airplanes have dropped 16 tons of bombs on the area between Fere-en-Tardenois and Fismes to disrupt German lines of communication.