On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


There will be fair clear skies over the city today with continued cool temperatures. The high will be 75° with the low tonight near 55°. The Philadelphia public schools opened today and the adverse conditions under which they must operate are more serious than ever. The most acute problem is overcrowding. The increased numbers of pupils has forced the Board of Education to create a system of part-time teachers to be available to step in when needed. The Board also fears that current full time teachers will begin leaving the profession for more lucrative jobs in business. Presently elementary school teachers earn the same salary as the scrubwomen employed at City Hall.

There are 300 public schools in the city all of which are experiencing overcrowding. No new schools were built this last year and none are proposed while the war continues. The only decrease in students has occurred in the senior high school classes due to the fact that many boys have taken well-paying jobs in war industries or have entered the service.

On Thursday, September 12 the new draft registration rules will go into effect. Under the rules every male citizen of the United States between the ages of 18 and 45 and not already in the military service, must report to his local draft board and register. Men between the ages of 21 and 31 who registered under the previous drafts are exempt. After registering the men will receive a questionnaire from their draft board which they must complete and if appropriate claim an approved exemption.

In sports, the 4th game of the World Series was played this afternoon at Fenway Park in Boston. Game one’s winning pitcher, Babe Ruth, took the mound for the Red Sox while Lefty Tyler, victorious pitcher of game 2, twirled for Chicago. Boston held a 2 to 0 lead going into the 8th when the Cubs scored 2 in the top of the inning. Those runs ended Mr. Ruth’s World Series scoreless streak at 16 innings. He had pitched a shutout in game 1. Ruth was also prodigious at the plate smacking a triple in the 4th inning scoring the Sox’s first 2 runs. With the game tied in the bottom of the 8th a wild pitch by Cubs relief pitcher Phil Douglas scored Wally Schang from 3rd giving Boston the victory. The Red Sox lead the series 3 games to 1.