On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


There will be rain beginning late in the afternoon and continuing through the evening. Temperatures will be slightly warmer with a high of 56° and a low tonight near 45°. Baldwin Locomotive announced today that they have set a new record by turning out 100 locomotives in one week. That equals a rate of two locomotives completed every work hour. The Company also stated it has shipped 225 locomotives per month this year which is 65 more per month than was shipped last year. Baldwin now employs 20,000 workers.

The Federal Sugar Control Board today requisitioned 300,000 lbs. of sugar from the refineries of this city. The sugar is to be shipped to various military camps throughout the country. Mr. George Earle, the Board’s local representative, said that the needs of the army must be put ahead of the citizens. So for Philadelphians, this Thanksgiving will be a little less sweet.

In sports news, Ban Johnson, president of the American League of Baseball, has asked the government to exempt some major league players from service in the military.  Johnson wants an exemption for 18 “good” players for each club. He says this would be good for the game and also good for baseball fans. A’s manager Connie Mack supports the Johnson request as does Charles Comiskey, owner of the World Champion White Sox. However, John Tener (shown below), president of the National League and former Governor of Pennsylvania from 1911 to 1915, has stated he will not make any similar request of the government or ask for any special favors or treatment for baseball.

National League President John Tener


From London comes the news that the House of Commons has passed a bill denying conscientious objectors the vote. On the western front, British troops have now breached the Hindenburg line up to 8 miles in some areas. British troops are about 2 ½ miles from Cambrai and English artillery is shelling the German positions in that city. The Germans have launched seven counter-attacks to stop the British all to no avail. On the Italian front, the Austro-German army has launched seven attacks against Italian positions on the Piava River front in the last 56 hours. All have failed as the Italians are holding strong.

In Russia, the Bolshevik press has announced that all troops supporting former Premier Kerensky have surrendered. Premier Lenine has announced that all power in Russia will be held by the various Soviet bodies directed by the workers, soldiers and peasants. Foreign Minister Trotsky has declared he will send messages to all the allied powers advising them Russia will seek a separate peace with Germany and its allies.