On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
Today may very well be the hottest May 6th on record. The high today is expected to reach 89° with the low tonight about 60°. Philadelphians are rightfully proud for exceeding the goal set for the city in the Third Liberty Loan Campaign. The official figures for the city released today by the Federal Reserve Bank show a total of $154,812,850.00. Some subscriptions have yet to be tabulated so the number is bound to go up.
Philadelphia begins its annual “Clean-Up Week” today. Every resident is asked to join their neighbors in the elimination of dirt and trash. Every street will be swept and cleaned but all must pitch in and do their part in the effort. Sweep your streets and alleys and move the trash, garbage and ashes to the corner for pick up. Report all pools of stagnant water, cesspools or unsupervised or damaged pumps to the Street Cleaning Bureau so teams can be sent to clean them. These filthy waters breed files and mosquitoes which are the leading cause of sickness and death of children in the city.
The University of Pennsylvania’s Hospital Base No. 20 has arrived safely in Brest, France. This hospital contains many of Philadelphia’s most prominent physicians and nurses. With the unit are some notable Penn athletes including Mike “The Big Greek” Dorizas who excelled in wrestling, football and track and field. He was also a two time Olympian competing in 1908 and 1912. Also with the hospital is DeBenneville “Bert” Bell who quarterbacked Penn’s football team.

Mike Dorizas
The American War Department released its casualty list for last week. The list contains 88 names and includes 6 killed in action, 9 dead from disease, 3 dead from wounds, 2 from accident and 1 from other causes. Four men are listed as severely wounded and 48 as slightly wounded. Fifteen are listed as missing. Local men on the list include William L. Pettit of Doylestown listed as severely wounded and Walter Edwards, corporal, of 189 1/2 West Lippincott Street, Philadelphia as slightly wounded. From the British word has been received of the death of a Camden, New Jersey man in France. Ernest Eckersley of 1005 Penn Street, Camden was killed while fighting with the Lancashire Fusiliers.