On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back often for new updates.
To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
The weather today will bring slightly cloudy skies with the possibility of showers this evening and tomorrow. The high will reach 83° with the low tonight about 68°.
Four Philadelphia Policemen were chosen today to accompany and protect the Liberty Bell on its trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. The four were chosen for their courage, learning, manly beauty and neatness of habits. These men are giants, each one standing over 6’ tall and all weighting over 200 lbs. They are shown below from left to right, Joseph W. Franks, 26 years old of 3234 Chestnut Street, James E. Jackson, 30 years old of 3005 Wharton Street, William E. Sykes, 36 years old of 1500 Adams Street and James J. Quirk, 32 years old of 861 North 50th Street. The men have been referred to as the “Beau Brummells” of the police force because of their neatly pressed uniforms and the fact that they regularly have their nails manicured.
Gruesome is the word used to describe the finds at 1917 Webster Street. Coroner’s deputies continue to dig in the basement where the body of Miss Frances Carter, a 28 year old Negress, was found June 11th and exhumed. Today’s findings included a human hand and an infant’s skull. The house is owned by Walter Wilson, 35, a Negro who is under arrest. It is believed Wilson and other accomplices including his wife and a male friend beat Miss Carter until she was unconscious and then buried her alive. The digging in the basement has been delayed because the coroners and police have at times been overcome by the smell and sights of what they have found. Police are theorizing that Wilson used the house as a “baby farm”.
On the sports scene, the final rounds of the Philadelphia Junior Tennis Tournament was played today at Manheim in Germantown. Miss Sarah Myers took the girls singles championship and Eddie Cassard took the boys singles title. In doubles play J. Stecker & J. Sharfsow of Central High School won the boys trophy and Miss Sarah Myers & Miss Cheston of Merion Cricket Club triumphed in the girls’ championship. In baseball at Shibe Park the White Sox beat the A’s 11 to 4. The Phillies were rained out today in Cincinnati.
On the western front, a German army of 200,000 has been defeated by the French between Souchez and Neuville north of Arras, France. Reportedly the French fired 300,000 artillery shells at the German lines as part of their attacks. In the east, the Austro-German army has driven the Russians back into southern Poland. While in Galicia the Teutons are pressing ahead toward Lemberg.