On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.

To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The rain began last evening and has continued through the day. It has fallen heavily and steadily and may possibly turn to sleet as the day progresses into evening. The storm did some damage in the suburbs and rural sections around the city. Where the rain turned to sleet and ice it put some electric lines out of service. Cobb’s Creek has overflowed its banks and authorities are keeping close watch on the Schuylkill in the event the rain continues much longer. Today’s high will be about 44° with the low near 31°.

Mr. Carlton G. Davis has been asked by Mayor-elect Smith to stay on as Director of the Water Bureau. Mr. Davis was contacted today by the Mayor-elect via telephone to ask him if he would remain at the position. The request by Mr. Smith is seen as his willingness to maintain some positions in his administration above politics and more business oriented.

In national news, Senator John Works of California startled many of his Senate colleagues recently by declaring that 30,000 well trained veterans of the Japanese Army now reside in California and could easily turn into a fighting machine if the Empire of Japan declares war on the United States. The Senator also noted large numbers of Japanese residing in Hawaii. Additionally, the Senator presented evidence that Japan had landed thousands of Japanese soldiers in Mexico and that they could easily march across the border. The Senator has offered a bill to create a 200,000 man army to be stationed throughout the Pacific coast.

On the sports scene in boxing last night at the Douglas A.C., 11th & Spring Garden, Eddie Revoire (shown below) of Philadelphia beat Kid Broad in the featured match. The Kid was so fat and out of shape that it amazed the crowd that he could last for 6 rounds against the welterweight contender. In the other bouts Tommy Cranston beat Joe Phillips, Hock Bones bested Jim Williams, Al Fox over Young Homer and Kid Stroodle TKO’d Frisco Legs in 4 rounds.

12-29-1915 Eddie Revoire

In Eastern League Basketball South Philadelphia’s DeNeri will visit Camden tonight at the Armory, Haddon Avenue & Mickle Street. The teams will meet again on Saturday on this side of the River at Musical Fund Hall.


From London comes word that a great parliamentary battle is coming. Next week the Government intends to introduce a bill providing for conscription and opposition is already forming. It is known that many members of the Labor Party are vehemently against the measure as are members of Prime Minister Asquith’s cabinet. Already Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Walter Runciman, president of the Board of Trade have resigned. Nine other cabinet members are known to be against the imposition of a draft. The law would initially target the estimated 300,000 unmarried men eligible in England for service.

