On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
Philadelphia’s weather bureau is predicting cloudy skies today with the chance of a shower this evening. The high will reach 88° with the low tonight about 71°. Haverford Township has banned spooning. Couples caught being too affectionate in public will be arrested and subject to a fine. So far 8 couples have been arrested this month. Chief of Police Hallissey has advised that young people in the Township must learn to mend their ways.
Philadelphia’s vice squads are out in force in an effort to clean up certain sections of the city. The effort came after Secretary of the Navy Daniels’ criticism of the rampant immoral temptations facing sailors and marines stationed in this city. Today brought raids, arrests and the questioning of 4 ward leaders and 8 police lieutenants. The politicians and police lieutenants are from the most vice ridden sections of the city. Mayor Smith has personally promised Secretary Daniels that vice in Philadelphia will be cleaned up once and for all.
In baseball today the Phillies fell to Cincinnati at National League Park 3 to 1. Christy Mathewson’s Reds scattered 5 hits but the big blows came from former Olympian Jim Thorpe who smacked a long home run in the 2nd inning and then singled in another run in the 4th. The Athletics are in Detroit where they played two today. The A’s took a licking from the Tigers 9 to 2 in the first game. Ty Cobb went on a tear with the bat knocking out a single, a double and a triple and scoring 3 runs. In the second game A’s pitcher Win Noyes held the Tigers to just 4 hits while Stuffy McInnis knocked in all 3 of the A’s runs giving Mr. Mack’s team the 3 to 1 victory.

Stuffy McInnis
On the international scene, from Buckingham Palace in London comes the news that a Royal Proclamation was issued today by King George V. The Proclamation changes the King’s family name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor. The King also relinquished for himself, his family and his descendants any and all German titles, honors, degrees, styles, appellations and dignities. And in a speech given in Kieff, Russia Minister of War Alexander Kerensky, told the audience that he believes Russia will adopt a form of government modeled on the United States. He said he thinks Russia will become a federated republic like America.