On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
Today’s weather will bring fair skies and unseasonably warm temperatures. The high today will reach a balmy 78° with a low tonight of 40°.
Philadelphia’s contingent of Jewish recruits left Broad Street Station this morning for a trip to the land of their ancestors. The 100 recruits will join the British Army’s Jewish Battalion under General Allenby fighting in the Holy Land. The men received a grand send-off from relatives and friends as they prepared to board the train to Canada on the first leg of the journey to free Palestine from the Turks. Some of the men and their relatives are shown below proudly flying the Stars and Stripes along with the Battalion’s flag which is a Star of David on a white background bordered by two blue stripes.

Philadelphia’s Recruits For Jewish Battalion
Policeman John Hilton has promised Miss Frances M. Davis, 2336 North 4th Street, a new serge skirt if she promises not to press charges against him for shooting her in the right leg. The incident giving rise to the offer occurred last Sunday when Officer Hilton, of the Park & Lehigh Avenue station, was chasing an automobile thief. The policeman fired at the thief but hit Miss Davis who was walking along Broad Street near Cambria. Miss Davis was taken to the hospital for treatment and was later sent home. Officer Hilton has been placed on suspension and will appear before the police board next week. He visited Miss Davis at her home last night and pleaded with her not to prosecute him and also making the offer to replace her damaged skirt.
Corporal Russell A. Yarnall of Swarthmore, Pa. has received the Croix de Guerre for bravery in battle. The award notes that even though Corporal Yarnall was seriously wounded he remained at his post and continued fighting. On the western front, American and French forces have raided German trenches in the Badonvillers region penetrating up to 300 yards in places. In the Chemin-des-Dames sector the Germans poured almost 6000 shells on the Franco-American lines. Most of the shells were gas. The German bombardment was returned by artillery units from New England. In the air war, the British announced that yesterday 10 tons of bombs were dropped on the German city of Manheim.