On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.

To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The forecast for today calls for rain and overcast skies. The rain will continue into the evening. The high today will reach 46° with the low about 35°. It is carnation day at the Flower Show being held at Convention Hall, Broad Street & Allegheny Avenue. White carnations, pink, red and purple will all be on display. Commercial growers will have their carnations judged this afternoon with prizes awarded by the American Carnation Society. Also today the Ladies Society of American Florists will award its prizes for best dinner table decorations.

Sixteen year old Margaret Lansalata of 1539 South 15th Street, loves Frank Rudolph, 18 years old of 1529 South Hicks Street. And that is why she tried to kill him yesterday at 15th & Wharton Streets after he refused to marry her. The couple (shown below) became engaged several months ago with the wedding planned for yesterday. But Rudolph’s parents objected to the match and he called the nuptials off. Since then Margaret has been brooding and yesterday she confronted Frank and asked for the final time if he would marry her. When he replied he could not marry without his parents approval she drew out a pistol and fired 3 times.


Luckily for Mr. Rudolph a bystander saw what was about to happen and grabbed Margaret’s wrist in time making the bullets miss. Margaret appeared in Magistrate Pennock’s court today to face charges. The Magistrate tried to settle the matter without committing her to jail. He asked Frank if he would marry the girl but he refused. The Magistrate sent them both home to think over the situation but warned, if Frank does not consent to marry her he will have no choice but to send Margaret to jail.

In Washington, D.C. today the House Judiciary Committee set aside any further consideration of women’s suffrage or national prohibition for the remainder of the present session. In Mexico, General Carranza, the head of the Mexican de facto government, has refused the request of the United States to allow use of the Mexican railway lines for transport of supplies to American troops searching for Villa. Carranza has also barred General Pershing from using the Mexican telegraph lines to and from Juarez. General Carranza had formerly promised complete cooperation with the United States in capturing Villa.


On the western front, the British have launched a series of assaults around St. Eloi, Belgium which is about 3 ½ miles south of Ypres. The battle began with the detonation of mines under the German positions. After the detonation the attack was led by the 2nd Canadian Division. In Eastern Europe the Russian offensive continues in the Dvinsk sector. St. Petersburg admits that the Russian army is suffering serious losses but vows to continue with the assaults.

