On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
There will be fair and clear skies today with pleasant temperatures. The high will reach 47° with the low only near 38°. The daughter of Mark Twain, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch, has taken up residence in Haverford with her husband (shown below). Mr. Gabrilowitsch is a renowned concert pianist who has recently performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Mrs. Gabrilowitsch is a well-regarded classical singer in her own right. The couple was married in 1909.

Mr. and Mrs. Gabrilowitsch
Port Richmond’s Boy Scout Troop 60 is learning the use of the wireless in event they are need in a future emergency. The instruction is taking place at St. George’s Episcopal Church, Indiana Avenue & Livingston Street. And a circus will be held tonight at the 3rd Regiment Armory, Broad & Wharton Streets. The circus is being held under the auspices of the South Philadelphia High School for Boys.
On the sports beat it’s a big night for basketball. In Eastern League play the Greystock Greys meet their South Philadelphia rivals De Neri at Cooper Battalion Hall and over in New Jersey Trenton comes south to meet Camden. And in amateur league play, Hancock the champions of the American league meets Dobson, Industrial league champions, for the city title.
In national news, President Wilson has been ordered by his doctor to remain in bed. Over the last few days Mr. Wilson had developed a high fever and his physician, Dr. Grayson, believes bedrest is the best medicine. As a result of the doctor’s orders today’s cabinet meeting was cancelled. Also in Washington, D.C. today the State Department has obtained documentary evidence of a wide German spy system that has been active in this country since the war began and that German Foreign Minister Zimmermann has been intimately involved with it. The documents show Zimmermann personally approved money for plots against the United States including sabotage. Money was also provided to different factions in the Mexican civil war and the rebels in Cuba.
And speaking of Cuba, 400 marines have been landed at Santiago today. The Marines are there to hold the city until Cuban government troops arrive. Cuba has for months been torn by a violent civil war. The United States has consistently supported the government of President Menocal.