On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.

To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The fair skies and cool temperatures continue today with moderate winds from the west. The high will only be around 66° with the overnight low near 42°. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World will be in this city starting Monday, May 22nd. Colonel Cody himself will be leading the spectacular pageant for 2 shows daily at 2:15pm and 8:15pm at the 19th & Hunting Park Avenue grounds. Tickets can be bought at the grounds or in advance at Gimbels Brothers Department Store.

In South Philadelphia today 75 striking painters started a brawl at a worksite near 4th & Ritner Streets. The fighting started when the strikers attacked about 1 dozen of their “bosses” who were attempting to do the strikers’ work. Police had to be called to break up the melee. The patrolmen eventually had to fire shots into the air to stop the fight. Many of the strikers where then arrested.

In national news, an appropriations bill will be entered into the House of Representatives for $145,000,000.00 to go towards the raising of a standing army of 105,000 men. Previously House and Senate conferees had agreed to bring the army to 211,000 men within 5 years. That proposal will be tabled.  Also in Washington, D.C. the young ladies of the graduating class of the William Penn High School visited the capitol today and sat in the gallery as the House debated a bill for the establishment of an American Merchant Marine. The girls are in Washington on a 3 day sightseeing trip. Tonight the ladies will attend a party at the Library of Congress.

In baseball yesterday out in Pittsburgh Grover Cleveland Alexander got his 6th win of the season and also a shutout as the Phillies beat the Pirates 3 to 0. Bobby Byrne led the hitting for the Phillies smacking a double and a triple. Here at Shibe Park yesterday, Mr. Mack’s favorite pitcher Elmer Myers got his 5th win of the season as the A’s beat the White Sox 5 to 1. Mr. Mack has said Myers is the best pitcher he has brought along in 16 years. Stuffy McInnis was the hero with the bat hitting a 3 run home run in the 7th to clinch the contest for the A’s.

Stuffy McInnis

Stuffy McInnis

