On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The forecast calls for fair skies over the city today with light winds from the west. The high will reach 65° with a low near 40°. The Philadelphia City Mission, 225 South 3rd Street, has a baby boy available for adoption. The boy is 20 months old and very bright and energetic. The child comes from a refined home but due to unfortunate circumstances his mother must support herself and cannot take care of a child. The mother asks that the adopting couple provide a good home for the child and allow her to visit him from time to time. She also offers to contribute to the boy’s support.

Today is Election Day in Philadelphia. The polls opened at 7:00am and will close at 7:00pm. The new Town Meeting Party, organized after the murder and violence in the 5th Ward primary election, is offering a number of candidates to oppose “government by murder” in this city. The Penrose-McNichol faction of the Republican Party is supporting candidates of the Town Meeting Party to oust as many Vare-Smith faction candidates as possible. Early reports are that turnout has been unusually heavy so far.

There are reports of sporadic violence and voter intimidation in some Wards of the city. Violence has been reported in the 4th, 15th and 30th Wards. Large numbers of policemen have been dispatched to known danger points in these Wards. It is also reported that the Vare-Smith organization is throwing its support behind the Democratic candidate for District Attorney to oust current D.A. Samuel Rotan. Mr. Rotan is leading the investigation and prosecution of the Mayor Smith and other Vare associates in the murder of police officer Eppley and other violence which happened in the 5th Ward in September.

Philadelphia boys in training at Camp Meade and Camp Dix also cast their votes today. While across the Ocean in France, American troops voted yesterday for their state, county and city officials. Some of the men at the front voted while under bombardment from German artillery and aeroplanes.

On the sports scene, in basketball the champion Greystock Greys of Grays Ferry traveled to Trenton last night for their first game of the season and fell to the Potters 29 to 20.  In football, at Franklin Field this afternoon a rare Tuesday game was played as Penn defeated the Pennsylvania Military College 23 to 0. In boxing, tonight at the Nonpareil A.C., Kensington & Ontario Avenues, Willie Spencer of Gloucester, New Jersey meets Willie O’Toole of Port Richmond in the main match. Four other bouts are on the card.

