On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. So, check back often for new editions. To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
There will be warm temperatures under fair skies today. The high will reach 58° with the low at 42°. On this anniversary of the birth of President Grover Cleveland the children at the school named in his honor remembered him with speeches and music in a patriotic assembly. The students of the school, located at 19th & Butler Streets, also raised a service flag with 40 stars representing the number of graduates who are now serving in the military. The flag was sewn by the girls of the school. The assembly concluded with the entire student body singing the Star Spangled Banner.
Misericordia Hospital, which is being built by the Catholic order the Sisters of Mercy at 54th & Cedar Avenue, many be taken over by the United States Army. The Army has expressed interest in leasing the facility if the construction can be completed enough for the receiving of patients in the next 30 days. The Federal government is assisting with the construction by giving priority to all construction materials being shipped by railroad. The hospital construction was funded completely from donations by the Catholic parishes of this city. When completed the hospital will consist of 7 large buildings and have room enough for 500 beds. It will be a totally modern facility in every sense.
A big rummage sale for little cripples will be held tomorrow at 1024 Chestnut Street to benefit St. Edmund’s Home. The Home, at 44th and Haverford Avenue, presently cares for 36 crippled children. These children need to be taught occupations that they can perform notwithstanding their deformities or handicaps. The proceeds of the sale will go toward the training, medical care, feeding and clothing of these unfortunate children. Items for sale include all manner of household goods, musical instruments, clothing, birds and even guinea pigs.
Today’s casualty report from France lists 8 men dead from disease, 1 death from accident, 1 wounded severely and 39 slightly wounded. None of the casualties are from this area.
The first American woman to be killed as a result of enemy action was buried today. Miss Winona Caroline Martin was a Y.M.C.A. canteen worker who had come to France to do her part.

Winona Caroline Martin
On March 11 she was being treated for scarlet fever at Paris’ Claude Bernard Hospital when it was bombed by German airplanes. She was killed in the bombing. Miss Martin was 36 years old from Rockville Center, New York. Her coffin was draped with the American flag and borne by Y.M.C.A. workers and American soldiers into the American Church on the Rue de Berri in Paris. After the service her body was placed in the church vault pending the arrival of her family.

Funeral of Winona Caroline Martin