On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back often for new updates.

To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The city will be under cloudy and overcast skies today and this evening but it does seem the rain has left. The high will reach around 79° with the low near 57°.

Over 10,000 children from the public schools assembled on Belmont Plateau this morning for Field Day exercises (shown below). The young ones engaged in numerous athletic competitions including races, jumping, volley ball, captain ball and other sports. The day concluded when the entire assembly took part in a grand dance. The day was organized by the Board of Education to promote children’s health through organized play and physical training.


The Bureau of Health released the city mortality report for this week today. The city saw the lowest death rate of any week so far this year. Only 448 deaths were reported which is 61 less than last week. However, there were 890 new cases of measles and 60 new case of diphtheria reported.

In crime news, Frank Noad of 1944 Reese Street got more than he expected this morning when he called on the home of Dr. David Henry, 1921 East Dauphin Street to rob it. Mrs. Henry answered the door and Noad stated her husband sent him to get money. She was suspicious and refused. Noad forced his way into the house and grabbed the woman by the throat demanding money. Luckily just then a deliveryman arrived at the house and Noad fled. But Dr. Henry also arrived home a few moments later and went after the man that attacked his wife. He caught Noad at Frankford Avenue and took the law into his own hands. When police finally arrived they described Noad as being a “sorry looking spectacle.”

The big news in sports today are the races on the Schuylkill River in conjunction with the American Henley Regatta. All the teams from our area will be in the competition. High School teams from Central, West Philadelphia and Northeast will join Penn, Vesper, University and Udine boat clubs. Visiting clubs include Harvard, Ariel of Baltimore, Union of Boston and Syracuse University. In the singles competition fans are anticipating a fine race between John B. Kelly of the Vesper Club and J.B. Ayres of the Union Club.


On the western front, the French have finally driven the Germans from their entrenchments on the heights of Notre Dame de Lorette north of Arras, France. Fighting for these hills has gone on for 6 months. The British are also reporting progress east and north of Neuve Chapelle. In the east, the Russians are moving in an attempt to flank the German-Austrian forces marching on Przemysl. The Russians are advancing on the Germans in Galicia from southern Poland.


Rain and more rain is the forecast for today and tonight. The high temperature will reach about 70° with the low around 53°.

The city announced today that dancing will be permitted in the public squares and on city streets during Municipal Band concerts this season. Police will rope off sections in the parks, squares and on the streets where the area is smooth so that dancing can be done safely. However, those engaging in dances deemed objectionable, improper or too modern in fashion will be warned by police to stop and arrested if necessary. Tonight’s concert will be at Durham Park, 48th & Lancaster Avenue.

Sigmund Lubin, the pioneer motion picture producer and owner of the largest movie plant in the world, announced today he intends to make Philadelphia the premier movie making center in the Country. Mr. Lubin intends to double his production, improve the artistic photography and content of his films and begin hiring well-known actors and actresses instead of using stock players.

On the sports beat, in boxing, South Philadelphia’s fighting Moore brothers of Southwark (shown below) will be in action tonight at the National A.C., 11th & Catherine Streets. The brothers, whose true surname is Von Franzke, have created a sensation in local pugilistic circles. The youngest brother Albert will open the night against Frankie McCarty. That fight will be followed by brother August (“Reddy”) in a featherweight bout vs. Eddie Wagond. Next, Brother Emil (“Frankie”) meets Joe O’Donnell followed by Paul (“Pal”) taking on Jimmy Murphy. The evening of “Moores” will conclude with a welterweight fight featuring brother Wilhelm (“Willie”) against Eddie Butler.



Although no formal declaration of war has been issued, Italy and Austria are firing upon each other. In actual military encounters, the Italian Navy has reportedly entered and taken the Austrian port of Catarro on the Adriatic Sea. In the city of Zara, the capital of Dalmatia, Austrian soldiers fired upon a crowd of Italians who were demonstrating, killing many. Reports from Vienna are that all Italian males in the Empire between the ages of 17 and 60 will be interned. In Rome a crowd estimated at 200,000 marched through the streets calling for war and carrying not only Italian flags but also the flags of France, Britain, Russia, Servia, Montenegro and Japan.

On the western front, French and British forces have resumed their drive on the Arras-LaBassee line and on German positions along the Yser Canal north of Ypres. In the east, German victories are reported along the Nieman River in northern Poland and along the banks of the Dubissa River further south. Also, The Germans are claiming the capture of Riga, the capital of Livonia (modern Latvia).


Today the city will see rain and cloudy skies. The rain is expected to continue through the night. The high temperature will reach 69° with the low around 54°.

In news from around the state, the Pennsylvania Legislature today passed an “equal rights” bill. The bill prohibits the proprietor of any hotel, restaurant, café or place of amusement from excluding any person from their establishment because of that person’s race or color. The penalty for such exclusion is a fine not to exceed $100.00. In business, the Bethlehem Steel Company has received an order for 8000 cannons from the British War Office. The order was accompanied by a check for $16,150,000.00 both in payment for previous work and as partial payment for the cannons.

In our city, a grand celebration takes place today at Girard College in honor of the 165th anniversary of Stephen Girard’s birth. Hundreds of alumni returned for a reception and luncheon which began at noon. The day’s festivities will concluded with a concert and a dress parade of the college cadets.

And for the ladies in fashion news, the new 1 piece bathing suit (shown below) is all the rage. The suit is made of soft black-striped satin and is water proof by means of a rubberizing process. Woolen jersey bloomers or tights are worn on the legs and a black satin cap with cherry red brim tops off the ensemble. Well girls, summer is finally here!

5-20-1915 Swim Suits

At National League Park today Charlie “Red” Dooin, the Phillies catcher from 1902 and player/ manager from 1910 to last season was welcomed back by 2,000 fans with his new team the Cincinnati Reds. Dooin got 1 hit today helping the Reds beat Pete Alexander 6 to 2. The A’s are off today traveling to Detroit for a 3 game series. In boxing, 2 excellent bouts are on the card at the Broadway A.C. tonight, 15th & Washington Avenue. Both fights feature South Philadelphia boys. The semi-windup has Lew Stinger of Little Italy against Bobby Williams of Gray’s Ferry and in the wind-up Bennie Kaufman of Southwark will meet Frankie White of Little Italy.


In Rome today the Italian Parliament gave the King full authority to declare war on Austria. Hugh crowds filled the streets cheering the decision, singing patriotic songs and calling for war. The Pope issued a prayer asking God to grant Italy success. Hi Holiness also gave his approval for a prayer to be recited by Italian soldiers on the battlefield asking for victory. On the western front, heavy rains saturated Flanders and northern France today causing an almost complete cessation of hostilities. In the east, Przemysl in Galicia is under heavy German bombardment.  Reportedly a large Russian force is hurrying to the rescue of the city.


The city will have cloudy and overcast skies today. There is the possibility of showers this evening and tomorrow. The high today will reach about 71° with the low around 51°.

Worried mothers with sick babies can now get expert advice by telephoning “Electrical 91”. The service is organized by the Babies Welfare Association. Mothers can call any hour of the day or night for advice and help. If the case is urgent a doctor will be sent to the mother’s home. Dr. C. Lincoln Furbush, 1501 Spruce Street, is leading the organization.

Two men were arrested today for the bombing of an ice cream shop in South Philadelphia yesterday. The men are Lorenzo Latino, 25 of 8th & Race Streets and Niccola Borona, 26 of 1233 Catharine Street. Witnesses informed police that they had seen the 2 men lighting a fuse to the bomb which exploded in the doorway of Vincent Petruzzilli’s (identified yesterday as Vincent Tetrozelli) shop at 743 South 11th Street yesterday morning. Mr. Petruzilli admitted today in court that he has been receiving letters demanding $1,000.00 from the “Black Hand”.

A bright and gay flower show is being held in Rittenhouse Square today under the auspices of the Rittenhouse Square Association (shown below). Picturesque booths dot the Square selling all manner of merchandise including flowers and refreshments. Ponies and donkeys are on hand for the little ones to buy a ride and woolly lambs, piglets, puppies and canaries are available for sale. Proceeds from the sale of flowers and other goods and merchandise will go to the Babies Hospital at Wynnefield, the Harrison Day Nursery, 19th & Ellsworth Streets, the Polyclinic Hospital Children’s Ward, 18th & Lombard Streets and the Rittenhouse Square Improvement Association.


On the sports beat, Northeast High School has clinched its 4th consecutive baseball Championship with its victory over Southern High yesterday afternoon. The Northeast athletes have now added a baseball championship to their football, soccer and basketball laurels. In the professional game the A’s lost their 3rd in a row to the White Sox in Chicago 9 to 7. The Phillies lost their 2nd in a row to the Cardinals here 3 to 0.


In the House of Commons today Lord Kitchener declared that Britain would begin deploying deadly gases on the battlefield in retaliation for the use of such weapons by the Germans. Lord Kitchener explained that German use of this pernicious weapon puts allied troops at an enormous disadvantage. Kitchener also announced that the French would also begin using gas.  On the western front, heavy fog in Flanders and France covered a German surprise attack on the Yser Canal. After a ferocious fight the Germans were thrown back with heavy losses. In the east, the Russians are claiming success in Bukowina with the recapture of the capitol, Czernowitz.


There will be fair and clear skies today but clouds will be moving in overnight. The high will only reach about 65° with the low around 49°.

“Humane Week” began yesterday. This is a week dedicated to inculcate kindness to animals in the hearts of the public. Events include 20 motion picture theatres showing films on the work of humane societies in rescuing and caring for homeless, abused or sick creatures. Also a “just plain dog” show will be held at Horticultural Hall on Thursday from 2:00pm to 10:00pm. Prizes will be awarded to the unpedigreed and unpampered pups. The rest of the week’s events include talks at stores and factories throughout the city today, open house at the headquarters of the humane societies on Wednesday, “school children’s day” on Friday, a memorial tree planting on Saturday and special sermons preached in the churches on Sunday.

Another early morning bombing occurred in Little Italy today. This one was at the ice cream store of Vincent Tetrozelli, 743 South 11th Street. The bomb tore a hole in the front of the building (shown below) and terrified the neighbors in the surrounding homes, some of whom had their windows blown out. Mr. Tetrozelli, his wife and 6 children live on the 2nd floor. The 3rd floor is occupied by Nicholas Rosa, his wife and 2 children and Angelo Liuagetti and his wife. All the residents escaped the building without injury. Detectives have said the bomb is similar to one exploded on South Franklin Street the day before. When Mr. Tetrozelli was questioned about the explosion he just shrugged his shoulders. Some believe that the Black Hand may be involved.


The 200,000 children in the Philadelphia public schools will participate in a celebration of “Peace Day” today. The event stands in sharp contrast to the situation in Europe. The children will listen to and give speeches on the value of international amity and the finding of peaceful solutions to international conflicts. The main issue being celebrated will be the 100 years of peace between the United State and Great Britain. The Treaty of Ghent will feature in discussions and student essays on that agreement read aloud.

On the sports scene, in baseball today the Athletics went down to defeat again in Chicago, 11 to 6. The A’s record now stands at 9 and 18 on the season. Here at National League Park the Phillies lost to the Cardinals 5 to 2. In Polo, the finals of the Hunt Club Cup are underway with the Philadelphia Freebooters meeting Point Judith at Bryn Mawr this afternoon.


Italy today is in arms and the people are only awaiting formal word from the King and Primer Salandra that war is declared. On the western front, Allied troops continue their successful advance in Belgium and northern France. In the east, the Austrians have advanced to within 40 miles of Lemberg in Galicia.


The will be light, intermittent rain throughout the day and tonight. The high will be about 66° and the low around 49°.

A pleasant afternoon along the banks of the Schuylkill River yesterday near Strawberry Mansion turned to tragedy before the eyes of hundreds of helpless spectators. A canoe overturned and 2 young men drowned, one while trying in vain to save the other. Two others from the canoe were rescued. The dead boys are Otto Keebler, 17 of 1320 North 28th Street and Charles Muska, 17 of 445 South 50th Street. The canoe capsized after being hit by a large wake. Keebler could not swim and Muska went to him to help. Keebler sized him in panic and both boys went under. The shouts from the spectators along the shore alerted a police boat that sped to the scene but arrived too late to rescue the young men.

The Disston Saw Works of Tacony has received a large order from one of the warring powers joining other large manufactures of this city producing weapons for the belligerents. Mr. William Disston, president of the company, announced today that an order for 4000 swords had been placed. Mr. Disston declined to identify the party placing the order.

Philadelphia police assisted by federal Internal Revenue Inspector Glover raided the house at 1635 Fairmount Avenue today and confiscated 2000 heroin pills, opium pipes and other drug taking apparatus. The owners of the house, Thomas McNew and Bertha Acker were arrested for violation of the Harrison Drug Act. The house has been a well-known drug den.

On the sports beat, in high school baseball Northeast High leads the standings by 2 games. They are followed by West Philadelphia, Central High, Catholic High and Southern High bringing up the rear. In professional ball, the Phillies beat the Cardinals 5 to 3 at National League Park. Gavvy Cravath knocked in 3 of the Phillies runs.  Out west in Chicago, the A’s fell to the White Sox 6 to 2.


There are clashes reported today between Italian and Austrian forces on the border of those countries. Supposedly 1,700,000 Italian troops have already been mobilized even though war has not been declared. On the western front, British forces have driven the Germans back over 1 mile near LaBassee. In Belgium, the Germans have withdrawn from the west bank of the Yser Canal and the Allies appear to have taken parts of the town of Steenstraate.

In the east, The Austrians are gaining formerly lost territory in Galicia. Russian forces are retreating back towards Przemysl. In the Middle East, according to reports received via Petrograd, the American mission center in the Armenian city of Van has been attacked by Turkish irregular troops and Kurds and at least 6000 Armenian Christians have been killed.


The forecast calls for clear skies today with slightly cooler temperatures. The high today will reach 73° and the low this evening about 53°.

The mortality report issued by the Bureau of Health today showed 509 deaths in the city this week. The report also noted that the measles outbreak has not slowed. There were 879 new cases reported this week which is 132 more than reported last week. Since January 1st there have been 7,213 cases reported. Measles killed 8 children this week.

Also in medical news, William Potter, president of the Jefferson Medical College has reportedly promised the American Ambassador in London that a group of surgeons and physicians would soon be sent to staff a hospital in France. Many of the 250 doctors at Jefferson have expressed the desire to go abroad in response to a French appeal for help. Nurses and other attendants at the hospital have also expressed their willingness to go.

The Bible class of the John B. Stetson Company has just completed it spring session and is considered by Mr. George Braden, director of moral and religious education at the Central Y.M.C.A., a resounding success. Membership in this sessions’ class was 234 and Mr. Braden has hopes of enrolling 500 employees for the fall term. Also in religious news, Archbishop Prendergast will officiate tomorrow at ceremonies formally opening the handsome Church of St. Rita’s at Broad & Ellsworth Streets at 10:30am.

On the sports beat, some fine amateur baseball games will be played this afternoon. At 4th & Berks Street the team from Stetson Hat (shown below) opens their season against the boys from Campbell Soup. Stetson has always produced a fine group and has even sent a few players into the professional leagues. And at 62nd & Walnut the Strawbridge & Clothier team will meet Swarthmore College’s boys at 3:30pm. In the professional game, the A’s went down to defeat in St. Louis 5 to 4 after a 3 run rally by the Browns in the bottom of the 9th.  Here at National League Park the Phillies clubbed the Cardinals 11 to 3.



 In Italy, mobs have taken to the streets in Rome, Milan and other cities calling on the King and the government to declare war against Austria. Austrians and Germans have been attacked and their businesses burned and looted. On the western front, the French are continuing their advance towards Lens. In the east, the Russians are retreating in the area of west Galicia and southern Poland. However, Petrograd reports that the Germans have been driven out of the Baltic provinces and to the west of the Dubissa River. In Africa today, the government of the Union of South Africa announced it will intern all German and Austrian men of military age.



There will be clear skies over the area today with light winds from the north. The high will reach 76° and the low about 55°.

Five ruffians, who some say are members of “Doggie” Miller’s gang, have been annoying Mrs. Mary Roser, 75 years old of 2148 Dreer Street. Mrs. Roser feared the men and did not know what to do. Her friend, Mrs. Robert Lee, 2007 Trenton Avenue, went to the police looking for help. Today Policemen Murphy and Hasher were sent to look into the matter. The hoodlums decided to confront the policemen in what is known as “Battle Alley” in the rear of Dreer Street. Once the gangsters regained consciousness they meekly followed the officers to the Trenton & Dauphin Street Station where Magistrate Mecleary sentenced them to 10 days in the House of Corrections.

On the social scene, the engagement of Miss Marie Wanamaker (shown below), granddaughter of John Wanamaker, was announced today to Mr. Gurnee Munn of Washington, D.C. Also announced today, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Schlichter, Jr., 2126 Walnut Street, have taken a cottage at Ventnor for the summer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatfield, 1725 Walnut Street will be spending the summer at their cottage in Bar Harbor, Maine.


From Washington, D.C., the United States has sent a strongly worded note to the German government. The letter, under the signature of Secretary of State Bryan, calls on Germany to cease submarine attacks against commerce in British waters. The letter also states that Germany has violated American rights on the high seas with these attacks. The letter lists the attacks on American and British ships which have cost American lives, including the Lusitania.

The Secretary wrote that it is difficult to believe that Germany could act so contrary to the rules, practices and spirit of modern warfare. Therefore he believes the submarine commanders acted on their own accord or in confusion as to their proper orders. The letter demands that Germany disavow the attacks, make reparations for the injuries caused and take immediate steps to prevent such acts occurring in the future.


Scotland Yard and special war constables today began rounding up the estimated 40,000 Germans, Austrians and Turks in Britain for internment. Hundreds of young German men voluntarily appeared at police stations with their bags packed. While this was occurring, anti-German rioting was again reported at cities throughout England.  It is believed most internees will be held on the Isle of Man.

On the western front, the French assaults between Arras and LaBassee continue today. Reportedly the French have advanced to the outskirts of Givenchy, just 4 miles from Lens. In the east, the Russians continue their retreat in southern Poland. However, further north in the Baltic provinces, the Russians are claiming success in stopping the German drive toward Riga.


There will be clear skies over the city today with the high reaching about 71° and the low tonight around 61°.

Two new 3 story houses under construction in South Philadelphia came crashing down today. The houses at the corner of 12th & Linn and 12th & Cross near Dickinson Street collapsed this morning. They were part of a group of 89 buildings being constructed there. Workmen said the collapse was due to poor quality cement. The crash sent several hundred people from surrounding homes into the streets in fear.

In entertainment this week on the stage, the wonderful Valli Valli is starring in the musical comedy “The Lady in Red” at the Forrest Theatre, Broad & Sansom Streets. On the motion picture screen at The Globe, Juniper & Market Streets, Emily Stevens stars in “Cora”. And in Vaudeville at B.F. Keith’s Theatre, 12th & Chestnut Streets, Grace La Rue, the singing comedienne is headlining with Will Rogers, the Oklahoma cowboy (shown below) also on the bill.

 5-13-1915 Will Rogers

On the sports beat, at National League Park the Phillies fell to the Pirates this afternoon 3 to 1. In St. Louis only 800 fans showed up at Sportsman Park today to see the Browns beat the A’s 6 to 5.  In boxing tonight at the Broadway A.C., 15th & Washington Avenue, lightweights Buck Fleming of Gray’s Ferry and Jimmy Coster of Little Italy will square off. Fleming is going for his 21st consecutive victory.


In London today, Prime Minister Asquith announced in Parliament that all enemy aliens of military age will be segregated and interned pending repatriation to their home countries. Women and children will also be repatriated.  This order is a result of the anti-German riots over the last few days.

On the western front, the French offensive between Arras and LaBassee continues to meet with success. The Germans have suffered heavy losses at Carency and Neuville. In the east, the German invasion of the Russian Baltic provinces has been halted in Courland and near Kovno. In Africa, British colonial forces have taken Windhuk, the main city of German Southwest Africa.

In the Dardanelle Straits the British battleship Goliath has been sunk by a Turkish torpedo. It is believed that 500 of the 680 crewmen were lost. Also on the Turkish front, a British army has landed at Enos on the Aegean coast and a Russian force has landed at Iniada on the Black Sea coast. The objective is that both armies move to capture Adrianople, the chief city of European Turkey.



The forecast calls for another clear day with fair skies. The high will reach about 77° with the low about 57°.

Six buildings along the 1000 block of Chestnut Street where badly damaged by a fire that started in the Banks Business College, 1016 Chestnut Street. The fire started at around 2:00am and appears to have been caused by a discarded cigarette. The Business College has been virtually destroyed. The other businesses affected are Globe-Wernicke Company, 1012-14 Chestnut, Harburger Brothers, 1014 Chestnut, E.H. Kaufmann, 1016 Chestnut and Walter Becker, 1020 Chestnut.

Seven southern New Jersey women have left on a trip to Bermuda. The ladies were the winners of a contest to choose the most popular women of Cape May County. The ladies are Miss Beatrice Townsend and Mrs. J.H. Hildreth of Ocean City; Miss Rosalie Washburn, Miss Geneva Shaw and Mrs. J.E. Whitesell of Wildwood; Miss Tryphene McKean and Miss Dorothy Sheppard of Cape May City. Several million votes were cast with Miss Shaw receiving the most with 1,266,370. The ladies will sail from New York and spend 2 weeks in Bermuda before returning home.

Philadelphia society turned out in force today for the annual pony show, dog show and bazaar held at the estate of William Jackson Clothier at Wynnewood.  Maids, matrons and their gentleman guests enjoyed not just the pony and dog competitions but also exhibits, amusements and moving pictures. Many of our areas most lovely debutantes acted as waitresses during the lunch service. There were 11 classes in the pony competition according to size and 6 classes for dogs according to breed.


Riots in east London have forced Austrian and German residents to form self-defense units.  The riots became running street battles covering many blocks. All German-owned restaurants on the Strand have been closed and more than 100 German and Austrian shops in London have been destroyed (shown below). In Parliament, Prime Minister Asquith stated the government will look into internment of Austrians and Germans. A petition requesting the internment has been signed by 500,000 persons. Police appear powerless to quell the disorder. Some are suggesting the police are holding back out of sympathy with the rioters.

 Looting of German Furniture Shop High Street London-1915

On the western front, from Arras north to LaBassee the French are reporting advancement and the smashing of the German lines. North of Ypres the British have repulsed German attacks. The British are now using masks to protect them from the poisonous gases used by the Germans before launching their infantry assaults. On the Turkish front at the Gallipoli Peninsula, the Anglo-French forces are waging a fierce battle with the Turks between Gallipoli and Maidos.


There will be fair skies over the city today with occasional clouds. The high will reach 68° with the low about 52°.

Over 500 delegates and members of the Knights of Columbus are meeting in this city today for their 18th annual convention. The day began with a parade (shown below) starting at Broad & Girard and proceeding to the Cathedral where Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Prendergast. The Mass was followed by a reception at the Girls Catholic High School where the delegates were met and addressed by Mayor Blankenburg. The main event will take place tonight at the Academy of Music where a grand ball for all members will be held.

5-11-1915 Knight of columbus

Former President William Howard Taft will be in our city tonight for a reception and dinner at the Union League. The event is in celebration of the League’s 50th anniversary in its present location at Broad & Sansom Streets. Mr. Taft is expected to speak on the present situation with Germany. Every President since Abraham Lincoln, with the exception of Grover Cleveland whom the Union League vigorously opposed, has spoken at the Club.

On the sports beat, the Phillies beat the Pirates today at National League Park 4 to 2. Pete Alexander got his 6th win of the season. In St. Louis, at Sportsman Park the Athletics beat Branch Rickey’s Browns 3 to 0 before a crowd of about 1,000. This will be a very busy week in golf with a number of tournaments going on. The Philadelphia Cup, the Suburban Cup and the Wallingford Cup will all be contested this week.


In Great Britain a public cry has gone out demanding the immediate internment of all Germans, whether naturalized citizens or not, living in the British Isles as a result of the sinking of the Lusitania. The major newspapers have called for such an action in the name of national security. In many cities including Liverpool, Manchester, and Cardiff riots have occurred where German owned shops and homes have been damaged. The latest casualty report for the Lusitania is 1,150 dead and 767 rescued.

On the western front, Allied troops have mounted an offensive on a 25 mile front from Arras to Laventie near LaBassee driving the Germans back. Fighting also continues around Ypres. In the east, the Russians have been driven back to within 31 miles of Przmemysl, the city from which they launched their invasion of Hungry. The Austrians are claiming that the Russian 3rd Army has lost 150,000 dead, wounded and captured. On the Turkish front, the bombardment of the Turkish fort at Kalid Bahr in the Dardanelles is continuing and it is expected to fall soon.  On the Gallipoli Peninsula fierce fighting continues.


The city will see fair and clear skies today with high reaching about 71° and the low near 53°.

President Wilson arrived in this city at 7:00pm this evening. He was met by Mayor Blankenburg (shown below) and a large reception committee and was escorted by the First City Troop from Broad Street Station to Convention Hall at Broad & Allegheny. The President was here to speak to 4000 newly naturalized citizens, their families and guests. All along the travel route Philadelphians lined the streets waving and cheering the Chief Executive as his automobile passed by.


Inside the Hall fully 20,000 people greeted the President. The event was opened by the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and then a short address was given by the Mayor, himself an immigrant to America. Then the President rose to speak. It was expected that Mr. Wilson would outline his administration’s policy toward Germany in light of the sinking of the Lusitania. However, that was not the case. In his speech the President made no mention of the Lusitania.

He did, however, tell these new Americans that “The example of America must be a special example. The example of America must be the example not merely of peace because it will not fight, but of peace because peace is the healing and elevating influence of the world and strife is not. There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight. There is such a thing as a nation being so right that it does not need to convince others by force that it is right.” At the conclusion of the speeches a reception was held. At 9:30pm Mr. Wilson was escorted back to Broad Street Station.

In Washington, D.C. today the German Ambassador to the United States, Count Von Bernstorff, called on the Secretary of State Bryan and expressed his government’s deep regret at the loss of American life on the Lusitania.


In Queenstown, British soldiers and marines worked all day Sunday and today to dig graves for the victims of the Lusitania. The bodies will be laid to rest in the church graveyard on the outskirts of the town. The spot is considered one of the prettiest in Ireland. In England, German aeroplanes and zeppelins attacked in the early morning hours. Bombs were dropped on Southend, Shoeburyness, Pitsea, Rumford and Leigh. Although no deaths have yet been reported considerable damage was inflicted.

From Rome there are reports that the Italian government has issued an ultimatum to Austria. The Italians are demanding an answer by midnight today. Also, reports from the Vatican are that Pope Benedict XV has lost all hope that war can be avoided. Reportedly the Pope has said “All civilization seems to have gone mad”. Additionally, German zeppelins and submarines have arrived at the Austrian naval base at Pola. It is believed that the transfer was made in the expectation that Italy will soon declare war against Austria.



This is the latest news on the sinking of the Lusitania. British warships have arrived at the area where the ship went down and are searching for additional survivors. Rescue operations have continued throughout the day with both survivors and the bodies of the dead being brought ashore at Queenstown, Kinsale and Cork, Ireland. Where possible the American dead are being draped with “Old Glory” (shown below). Every relief organization in Ireland and Britain has been mobilized to assist the survivors.


The offices of the Cunard Line announced today that the death toll is thought to be 1,346. There were 1,199 passengers on board and 850 crewmembers. As of today 703 people are known rescued. At 1:45pm the United States State Department announced that 132 Americans are thought perished. There were 30 current or former residents of Philadelphia on the ship. Of those, only 2 are reportedly rescued. They are Samuel Knox, president of New York Shipbuilding of Camden and Dean Winston Hodges, the 5 year old son of William Hodges who is an agent of the Baldwin Locomotive Works and sailed on the ship with his wife and 2 children.

The German embassy in Washington, D.C. announced this afternoon that the Lusitania was transporting arms and ammunition to England. Therefore she was a legitimate target of war. A spokesman for the Kaiser here in the United States, Dr. Bernard Dernburg, said in Cleveland today that the civilian passengers on the ship were use as shields for a cargo of munitions.

In Germany, newspapers in Berlin declared in bold headlines that the sinking was a master stroke of the policy of Admiral Von Tirpitz to exterminate Britain on the high seas. However, German residents of this city are not rejoicing in the tragedy. Those who frequent German restaurants and saloons refused to express any opinion about the sinking. And none of the German-American organizations here would issue a statement.

From Washington, the White House announced that President Wilson will wait until he has received all possible information before deciding on a course of action. The President went golfing this morning but left word that if any details were received he should be immediately informed. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan asked Americans to have patience in deciding on a response since it has not yet even been established that the sinking was actually done by a German submarine.

In local news, the forecast for today calls for mostly clear skies with a high of 76° and a low of 66°. In Common Pleas Court at City Hall, Jacob “Doggie” Miller, the confessed killer of Detective Harry Tucker and James Maneely on March 25, was found guilty today of first degree murder. The case was given to the jury yesterday afternoon and Judge Ralston decided to keep the jury overnight to continue deliberating. The verdict was delivered at 9:10am this morning.




At 2:33pm this afternoon 8 miles off the southern coast of Ireland the Cunard liner Lusitania (shown below) was reportedly sunk by a German submarine. The Lusitania was bound for Liverpool England with 1400 passengers on board. A wireless message from the ship received in Queenstown stated the vessel was in distress and this resulted in all available rescue craft from that Irish town being dispatched. Other vessels from surrounding areas have also joined the rescue effort.  There are reports that life boats from the Lusitania carrying survivors have been sighted at Kinsale, Ireland.


Reportedly there are at least 17 Philadelphians or those from the surrounding area on board the ship. However, as of today the local office of the Cunard Line has not released a full list. At 5:28pm today Lloyd’s of London announced it had no information that any of the passengers were injured.

In local news, the trial of Jacob “Doggie” Miller for the murder of Detective Harry Tucker began today in Common Pleas court at City Hall. After the prosecution concluded its case Miller took the stand to testify in his own defense. He claimed he was beaten by police before being brought to Captain of Detectives Cameron who expressed disappointment that he was taken alive. He also testified that he was forced to sign a confession and wasn’t told what it said before he signed it. The prosecutor is asking for a verdict of murder in the first degree.

On sports scene, at Shibe Park today the A’s beat the Senators 4 to 1. Bob Shawkey got the win going all 9 innings. In boxing, at the Quaker City A.A., 26th & Dauphin Streets, tonight’s main bout will be Southwark’s Johnny Clark against Tioga’s Leo Tracey in a featherweight match. Five other fights are on the card. In high school baseball, West Philadelphia now leads the standings by 1 game over Northeast. Today’s games will include Southern at Catholic, Central at Northeast, Friends Central at Germantown Academy and Villanova Prep at West Philadelphia.


On the western front, fighting at Ypres today settled into an artillery exchange. The Germans also claim they have repulsed all Allied attempts to retake Hill No. 60 and that the British suffered heavy losses in the attack.  In the east, an Austro-German army has entered the city of Tarnow in southeastern Poland. The Russians attempted to hold the city as long as possible to move stores and ammunition out and to the east. Also, the Germans report that after weeks of back and forth fighting they have taken control of the Dukla Pass in the Carpathians.



There will be continuing cloudy skies today with showers expected tonight and tomorrow. The high today will reach about 64° with a low around 53°.

After 5 hours of questioning a jury of 12 has been chosen for the trial of Jacob “Doggie” Miller, the killer of Detectives James Maneely and Harry Tucker in March. Some of the selected jurymen admitted they had formed opinions on the case but believed they could set them aside and reach a fair verdict.

May is the time of year when many high schools and academies schedule trips for the graduating classes. A number of schools in our area have their seniors taking trips to various points of interest this week. The most popular destination is Washington, D.C. For example, the graduating class of Nazareth Hall Military Academy (shown below) began their 4 day trip to Washington today.


Two lunatics have escaped from the Philadelphia Hospital’s ward for the violently insane and are loose on the streets. The men are Edward Beckham, a 40 year old Negro, and George Lechenburg, a Hungarian. Beckham is over 6’ tall and weighs 230 lbs. He was wearing a blue coat and cap. Lechenburg is wearing a blue shirt and striped trousers. Police advise citizens to contact them immediately if they see the pair and do not approach them.

On the sports beat up in Brooklyn at Ebbett’s field the Phillies, behind the pitching of Erskine Mayer, beat the Dodgers 3 to 1. Here at Shibe Park this afternoon the Senators clubbed the A’s 11 to 2. Herb Pennock took the loss. The Polo season opens today at the Philadelphia Country Club with the Aiken Tigers meeting the Point Judith four at Bala.

In high school sports, there are cricket matches this afternoon with Central High meeting Penn Charter and Northeast High taking on Frankford. In tennis, Episcopal Academy is at West Philadelphia and Penn Charter is at Camden High. In track, DeLancey School meets Swarthmore Prep.


On the western front, in Flanders, around Ypres desperate fighting continues. The heaviest engagement is at Hill No. 60. The Germans, prior to an infantry assault, released poison gases against the British. This gas attack forced the British to retire from the area. However, later in the day the British counterattacked and the fight is ongoing. In the east, Petrograd reports that the Russian army is attacking the Germans near Kovno. However, reports also suggest that the Russians are retreating along a 90 mile front that stretches from western Galicia to the Carpathians.

In Parliament today, Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith admitted that the operations in the Dardanelles have come at a heavy cost in Allied lives. However, he also declared that the naval and ground forces are cooperating magnificently and showing unsurpassed courage.


The weather calls for a partly cloudy day. Yesterday’s rain has moved off. The high today will be 55° and the low tonight around 49°.

The 1000 striking Jewish barbers have been joined by 2000 of their Italian fellows in the cause for better working hours. The Italians are mostly located in the foreign quarter in South Philadelphia and are represented by the Journeymen Barbers Union. The Italians met last night at Royal Hall, 7th & Morris Streets and decided to join the strike. So far the work stoppage appears to be having some results. Today 55 small shop owners agreed to the barbers demands.

Mr. Richard Bourke, of 2308 North 18th Street, died Monday night. He was to be buried Friday after a Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church. But the burial was almost unnecessary as Mr. Bourke came very close to being cremated last night. His body had been laid in repose on a couch in the family room. It was covered by a shroud and surrounded by candles which family members had kept burning. Somehow last night one of the candles fell over and the shroud caught fire. Mr. Bourke’s son William happened to pass by the room and see the couch and body in flames. He called the fire department and the blaze was extinguished. The body was badly seared but the family still intends to proceed with the Mass and burial on Friday.

In baseball yesterday both professional teams were rained out. In today’s games the Athletics beat the Yankees 2 to 1 at the Polo Grounds in a game taking 1 hour and 48 minutes. At National League Park, well it had to happen eventually. Grover Cleveland Alexander lost as the Giants beat the Phillies 4 to 2. This was Alex’s 1st loss of the season. In boxing tonight at the Gayety Theatre, 8th & Vine Streets, the remaining preliminary bouts in the amateur boxing tournament, 105 lbs. division will be held.  In Polo, the matches at Bala have been postponed today due to a wet field.


On the western front, British forces are suffering very heavy losses at Ypres under massive German assaults. However, the British appear to be holding with the support of French artillery. In the east, reports from the Carpathians are that the Russians are retreating from the Dukla Pass. This retreat appears to be due to the German victories in western Galicia. In Galicia, the city of Gorlice which was the site of the Russian headquarters has been taken by the Germans. In the Baltic Russian provinces, German troops are attacking the town of Libau in Latvia. In the Dardanelles, the Turkish forts are still holding fast against Allied naval bombardment.


Rain, sometimes heavy, will be falling on the city throughout the day and this evening. The high will reach around 67° and the low tonight about 49°.

The first day of Clean-Up Week has been declared a great success. The effort yielded 16,000 cubic yards of rubbish removed from cellars, attics and backyards and hauled away. This was 3000 yards more than last year’s first day.

Over 3000 women stormed the office of the Crown Stamp Company, 1007 Arch Street, to redeem their trading stamps (shown below). Crown announced yesterday that it was closing its stamp business. Not even the pouring rain could hold the ladies back. Police were called to control the crowd but before they arrived the pushing and shoving shattered a $300.00 plate glass window. The anxious housewives began arriving at around 8:30am. Crown officials tried to assure them that the building had 4 stories stocked with merchandise which would be more than enough to cover the almost 300,000 stamps outstanding in circulation. Eventually with police help groups of 10 or 12 women at a time were permitted into the store to find the treasure they thought worthy in exchange for their stamps.

5-04-1915 Crown Stamp

On the sports beat, the opening matches of the National Bowling Association tournament began last night at Terminal Alleys, 13th & Filbert Streets. Fifty-eight 5 man teams, fifty-six 3 man teams, one hundred and seven 2 man teams and one hundred and ninety-five individual bowlers are entered in the competition. In high school baseball, all the games scheduled for today have been postponed due to the rain. The two golf tournaments in the area have also been postponed due to rain. The Philadelphia Cup with matches scheduled at Merion, St. Martin’s and St. David’s and the Wallingford Cup which is being played at the Whitemarsh and North Hills clubs will be resumed tomorrow.


In the north Atlantic, another British steamship was sunk off the Scilly Islands yesterday. This brings the number of ships torpedoed by German submarines since Saturday to 10. There are reports out of Holland that German submarines have been ordered to sink all ships, including American, making for the British Isles. This order also applies to passenger liners.

On the western front, German forces are continuing their attacks in Flanders against the British entrenchments. Most of the fighting is centered in what is called the “bloody angle” around Ypres.  In the east, the Germans are celebrating their supposed victory in Galicia and the invasion of the Baltic provinces. Unofficial reports are that the Russians have lost about 100,000 men.  In the Middle East, Allied troops have been landed at Ephesus, 35 miles southeast of Smyrna in preparation for an all-out attack on that city. In the Dardanelles the Allied fleet has resumed the shelling of the forts along the coast. On the Gallipoli peninsula Allied losses are being described as heavy.


The city will have cloudy skies today with winds out of the northwest at 10mph. the high will reach only 65° with the low about 54°.

Clean-up week officially starts today in Philadelphia. Residents are urged to put out rubbish and garbage of any kind. Extra men and wagons will be on the streets for pickup. Remember, it is your duty as a citizen to pitch in. Removing the garbage, rubbish and ashes from your home helps eradicate mice, rats, flies and other insects. If we all work together we can make Philadelphia a cleaner, healthier City.

A strike by 1000 Jewish barbers is planned to start this evening. The barbers are demanding a work day from 8:00am to 9:00pm with an hour and one half for dinner and supper and Sunday’s off.  In other business news, the Crown Stamp Company, which is owned by the Acme Tea Company, will be ceasing operations. Crown is the largest trading stamp concern in Philadelphia. Holders of Crown stamps can redeem them at full value at the company’s headquarters, 1007 Arch Street. Mr. William Crow, vice president of Crown, said the decision to suspend the stamp business was so all the company’s resources could be put into Acme and reduce prices for its customers.

In baseball, in the professional game today, the A’s fell again to the Yankees at the Polo Grounds, 8 to 4. At National League Park the Giants stunned a crowd of 5,000 fans by scoring 3 runs in the 9th to beat the Phillies 3 to 2.  In amateur ball, a number of local teams are looking for opponents. The Goblers of America can be contacted at 1816 Morris Street, The American Travelers can be reached at 2829 North Warnock Street and the Eagle Pleasure Club can be contacted at 2846 Weikel Street.


Two neutral vessels, the Swedish steamship Ellida and the American tanker Gulflight, were attacked by German submarines yesterday. The Ellida was struck in the North Sea while the Gulflight was attacked near the Scilly Isles. Three members of the Gulflight died in the attack, including the ship’s captain, Alfred Gunter (shown below with his wife and daughter). The American government is expected to protest these increasing German attacks on American flagged vessels and neutral shipping in general.


On the western front, the German stronghold of Metz on the Moselle River is under bombardment from French artillery.  Reports from the east suggest that the Russian army in western Galicia has been crushed with enormous losses. Also, German forces have invaded the Baltic provinces of Lithuania and Latvia in Russia.  In the Middle East, the French have reportedly landed another army in the Dardanelles area. The troops were landed at Keriklib on the Asiatic side of the entrance to the Straits.


The city will see another cloudy day with slightly cooler temperatures. The high will reach 74° with the low tonight about 51°.

Over 10,000 women marched today in support of their demand for the right to vote. Like a grand army they proudly marched while thousands more stood along the sidewalks cheering. The parade began precisely at 3:00pm. The majority of the women were dressed in pure white suits and dresses with yellow chrysanthemums adorning them. The yellow color of the flower representing light and knowledge.  The parade started at Washington Square Park and proceeded up 7th Street to Market Street. Then up Market to Broad and out Broad to Poplar Street where speeches were heard and refreshments served at the Metropolitan Opera House.

May Day was also celebrated throughout the city today. Many neighborhoods had music, dancing and the crowning of a May Queen in one of the parks. And that was the case at Starr Garden, 7th & Lombard. One difference there was that the celebration was filmed and photographs taken. So, perhaps those that will celebrate May Day 100 years from now will be able to see how it was done in 1915.

On the sports scene, in baseball today Grover Cleveland Alexander had the better of Christy Mathewson and the Phillies beat the Giants 4 to 2 in front of 12,000 fans. Old “Alex” has now gone 5 and 0 in the season. Up in New York at the Polo Grounds the A’s took a beating from the Yankees losing 11 to 3.

In what is now a decade old tradition, when Princeton’s 9 make their first visit of the season to Franklin Field the men throw off their winter headwear and put on new straw hats. And this “straw hat day” was no exception. The stands were filled with the new spring toppers (shown below) and the day was made extra special as the Penn boys beat the Tigers 7 to 5.

5-01-1915 Straw Hat Day


There are reports from London that German submarines are operating off the Irish coast. Yesterday the Russian coal transport Svorono was torpedoed and sunk near the Blasket Islands off the west coast of Ireland.

In a somewhat related story, from New York comes news that a wave of terror and fear has overtaken many of the passengers sailing on the Cunard liner Lusitania today. Fifty anonymous telegrams addressed to prominent persons on the ship warned that the vessel will be sunk by torpedo attack and never reach Liverpool. Also it is reported that at the Cunard line pier men with foreign accents walked among the passengers, their friends and relatives and warned that death would accompany the ship. The warning spread like wildfire throughout the crowd. Relatives and friends pleaded with their love ones not to go but there were no reports of anyone cancelling their passage.


Last night’s rain did much to cool the city this morning. The skies today will be cloudy with a lingering chance of rain. The high will reach 73° and the low about 60°.

The ladies of Bryn Mawr College held their annual May Day celebration today. The celebration was today so the ladies would be free to join tomorrow’s suffrage parade. The day began with the students meeting in the Tower of Rockefeller Hall for a concert. Then breakfast and a dance around the May Pole (shown below). At the conclusion of the festivities students met in the chapel for the announcement of fellowships and scholarships for incoming undergraduates. Six Philadelphia girls have been awarded scholarships. They are: Miss Marran Clementine Kleps, 5501 Chancellor Street; Miss Rebecca Joachim, 2641 South Bancroft Street; Miss Ella Mary Rosenberg, 834 South Street; Miss Gladys Cassel, 5536 Catherine Street; Miss Eva Alice Bryne, 290 East Bringhurst Street and Miss Catherine Everett.  [EDITOR’S REQUEST: If anyone might know what happened to any of these women please consider sharing their story.]


Emma Goldman, noted Anarchist, will speak tonight at the Parkway Building, Broad & Cherry Streets. Her speech is entitled “Billy Sunday, a menace to Labor”. Miss Goldman has become a vocal critic of the famed evangelist.

In Washington today, President Wilson totally repudiated the claim that he had endorsed the photoplay “The Birth of a Nation”. The motion picture has given offense to Negroes throughout the country. The denial was given to W.H. Lewis of Boston, the only Negro ever appointed Assistant Attorney General, by Mr. Wilson’s Secretary, J.T. Tumulty when they met today.

In sports, the Phillies lost to the Dodgers 2 to 1 today at National League Park. And down in Washington the Senators beat the A’s again 6 to 1. Tomorrow the Giants visit the Phillies for the start of a 3 game series and the A’s travel to New York for 3 games against the Yankees. In boxing, a full card is on the schedule for the Quaker City A.A., 26th & Dauphin Streets tonight. In the Wind-Up match “Young” Pierce of Germantown meets Leo Tracey of Tioga.


On the western front, German warships carried out a daring raid on the French city of Dunkirk this morning. At least 20 persons have been killed and many buildings and homes were destroyed. Reportedly a British Naval squadron is steaming toward the area to engage the Germans.  Also, Rheims is once again under bombardment from German artillery. Over 500 bombs, many of them incendiary, have been launched into the city. In Belgium, the Germans still hold Steenstraate despite desperate efforts by the Belgians to dislodge them.  In the east, a large German army has invaded Russian territory from East Prussia and is marching on the fortress city of Kovno on the Niemen River.


A good steady rain last night has brought the temperatures to a more seasonable range. Today will see overcast skies with the high of only about 60° and the low tonight around 47°.

The White Wings (shown below), all 1700 strong, marched up Broad Street from Fitzwater to Diamond Street today in the annual kick off to Clean-Up Week. The White Wings are the street cleaners and ash gathers that toil to keep the city clean. The various companies contracted by the city each had their men march accompanied by a brass band and the most modern motorized and horse drawn vehicles available to assist in the difficult work.  There were ash wagons, sprinklers, squeegees, flushers and dirt wagons all interspersed among the men. The parade was reviewed by the Mayor and other city officials.

 4-29-1915 White Wings

Bonfires will light up the sky over the Neck today. The piggeries around 31st Street and Maiden Lane where hoof & mouth disease was found in the livestock will be burned today under the direction of State authorities. Several thousand pigs found infected with the disease have been slaughtered and now the shacks and pens in which they lived must be destroyed. The fire department will be on hand to ensure the flames do not threaten the Atlantic Refining Company oil tanks which are close by.

In sports, on Wednesday the Phillies beat the Dodgers 3 to 0 at National League Park. Erskine Mayer pitched the shutout. Today the Dodgers came out on top with Wheezer Dell leading the Brooklyn team to a 7 to 4 win.  The A’s yesterday were bested by Walter Johnson and the Senators down in Washington, 1 to 0. In today’s game the A’s, behind Herb Pennock, fared better winning 3 to 1.

Mr. Robert Halcott, 811 Race Street, is booking the Star Bloomer Girls Baseball Club of Indianapolis and is looking for games here with good, white, semi-professional teams.  Also, the Polo season opens today at the Philadelphia Country Club. A round robin tournament will start the season this afternoon.


On the western front, the Belgians aided by French forces are attacking Steenstraate to force the Germans from the west bank of the Ypres Canal. However the Germans are fighting back on the line between Nieuport and Dixmude, Belgium. In the east, the Austrians are claiming victories in capturing towns in Bukowina. In the Middle East at Gallipoli, near the Gulf of Sulva an all-day battle between British and Ottoman forces resulted in the capture of an entire Turkish battalion. There are reports that an all-out battle on land and sea is underway to force the taking of the Dardanelles.


Last night’s thunderstorm did not result in cooler temperatures today. The skies will remain overcast and cloudy. There is a chance of rain again tonight and tomorrow. The high this afternoon will reach 93° with the low tonight about 50°. The previous record high for April was also 93° in 1896.

Funeral services were held today for Detective Harry Tucker who was killed by bullets fired last month by “Doggie” Miller. The mourners included Mayor Blankenburg, Director of Public Safety Porter, Superintendent of Police Robinson, representatives from surrounding police departments and hundreds of Philadelphia Police. Neighbors and friends of Detective Tucker and his family walked in silence, weeping quietly behind the casket as it was carried from the Tucker home at 5739 Woodland Avenue. The Police Band led the procession playing a funeral march. Detective Tucker was laid to rest in Mt. Zion Cemetery in Darby.

The wedding that all Philadelphia and New York society has been waiting for took place this afternoon at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 19th & Walnut Streets. Miss Cordelia Biddle, daughter of Anthony J. Drexel Biddle and Mr. Angier Duke of New York were wed (the wedding party is shown below). Mr. Duke is the heir to a fortune estimated to be in the range of $50 million which was amassed through his family’s ownership of the American Tobacco Company. The fortune of the bride’s family is considered to be very much less that Mr. Duke’s.

 4-28-1915 Biddle Wedding

Hundreds of guests and spectators walked along Walnut Street which had been blocked from motor vehicle traffic from 18th to 22nd. All the homes along the street including the Church and the Biddle residence at 2104 Walnut Street have been beautifully decorated. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Drexel-Biddle home.


The King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel, has cancelled all his engagements to devote his time and take personal charge of negotiations with Austria and deal with the international situation. He has even withdrawn his previous acceptance to attend the Garibaldi celebration in Quarto next week.

On the western front, the Allies are pressing their counter offensive along the entire Flanders battle line. French reinforcements numbering 200,000 are being rushed to the area to support the Allied lines. Fierce fighting is going on north and east of Ypres. There are some reports that the British have captured St. Julien about 3 miles northeast of Ypres.

In the Middle East, Russian troops are being readied to aid the British and French in their campaign against Constantinople. Russian forces will leave from Odessa on the Black Sea for a landing on the eastern coast of Turkey. Also, the French announced today that they have landed forces at Kum-Kale on the eastern side of the entrance to the Dardanelles.


The city will have overcast and cloudy skies. The unseasonable heat this April will continue. The high will reach 82° with the low about 68°.

Two outdoor suffrage meetings are planned for this afternoon. One by the Equal Franchise Society will occur at Noon on the Post Office Plaza at 9th & Chestnut. The Second will also be at Noon but organized by the Woman Suffrage Party at 7th & South Streets. Meanwhile, in national news, the lower house of the Florida legislature has rejected a resolution to submit an equal suffrage amendment to the voters in 1916. On the social scene this Sunday, May 1 will be opening day at the Germantown Cricket Club. A cricket match will be held at 2:00pm, the ladies clubhouse will be opened for afternoon tea and a dinner and dance will be held that evening.

On the sports beat, yesterday the Phillies behind “Pete” Alexander sent the Braves off with a 7 to 4 beating. Alex fanned 10 Braves batters while winning his 4th game of the season. The Phillies will meet Brooklyn today at National League Park at 3:30pm. Up in Boston the A’s took another beating from the Red Soxs, 9 to 2. Boston’s Babe Ruth went all 9 innings and got his first win of the season. The A’s open a 4 game series in Washington this afternoon.

In the high school game Northeast and West Philadelphia both won yesterday over Southern and Catholic highs respectively. The wins kept those two schools in a tie for 1st place in the standings.  In boxing, two Philadelphia fighters will meet tonight at the Fairmount A.C. when Willie Lucas of Fairmount takes on “Knockout” Jack Farrell of the 17th Ward. Five other fights are also scheduled.


On the western front, the German drive for Calais appears to have has been stopped. The Allies have repulsed the attacks on Ypres and taken the offensive. German losses are reportedly at 10,000 killed. In the Middle East, a massive army has been landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula in the Dardanelles. Estimates are that 300,000 British and French forces have been landed since Sunday (some shown below).  Twenty-two warships are assisting the landing by shelling the Turkish forts.


Also from the Middle East, reports have reached Petrograd that thousands of Armenian Christians are being massacred by Kurds operating under the orders of Turkish officers. The accounts are being received from Tiflis, Tabriz and Teheran that 7,000 Christians have been killed, 3000 wounded and more than 15,000 taken prisoner. Also, 500 square miles of territory has been laid waste. The reports are fragmentary but considered reliable and the stories are horrific including pouring oil on men and women and then setting them on fire and the crucifixion of mothers in front of their children.


There will be bright and clear skies over the city today. The temperature will be unseasonably warm with the high around 85° low about 49°.

The Circus Is Here! Thousands of Philadelphians lined Broad Street this morning to watch the Barnum and Bailey Circus Parade. The parade was a spectacle in and of itself as the performers marched, rode on horses and elephants or in beautifully colored wagons on their way to 19th & Hunting Park Avenue where the show will go on.


Down in the southern section of this city, in the area known as “the Neck”, a slaughter is taking place. Hundreds of hogs infected with hoof and mouth disease are being shot by State and Federal authorities. The disease was actually found in Penfield, Delaware County but the infected pigs were traced back to a piggery in the Neck. Representatives of the state health authority have often complained at the ignorance shown by piggery owners in that area on how to properly care for their animals. Some owners just ignore the authorities’ directions because they feel it is all just an attempt to stamp out their businesses.

The city’s Director of Public Safety has issued an order prohibiting the exhibition of motion pictures on Sunday in this city. Sunday showing of “movies” is normally prohibited under the law. But some exhibition houses were showing films under “invitation” for the benefit of some charitable organization or society. Director Porter concluded these types of showings had become too difficult to effectively police.

In sports, well it had to happen eventually. On Saturday the Phillies finally lost their first game of the season, 10 to 2 to the visiting Boston Braves. The Athletics fared better against the Boston Red Sox up at Fenway Park taking the win 6 to 3. On the schedule today, the Phillies again meet the Braves at National League Park with Alexander on the mound. The A’s will give Chick Davies the ball up at Fenway to meet Babe Ruth.


Officials of the Italian Government stated today that the Kingdom of Italy will remain neutral. Italy believes it will win greater victory by not joining either side in this war. [Editor’s Note: The day before this statement, on April 25, Italy entered into a secret agreement known as the Treaty of London, in which it abrogated its previous obligations to Austria and Germany and promised to enter the war on the side of the Allies within 1 month].

On the western front, The Germans are reporting further gains in their advance toward Ypres in Flanders. The Teutons claim to have repulsed combined attacks by Belgian, French and British troops. The Germans also claim that among the 5000 prisoners taken, 1000 were Canadians. In the east, the Austrians are reporting that the Russians have been rolled back in the Carpathians.


There will be clear, bright and sunny skies today. The temperature will be a pleasant 71° with the low reaching about 60°.

There is sad news to report today. At 6:05am this morning Detective Harry Tucker (shown below) died. Detective Tucker along with his partner Detective James Maneely was shot by Jacob “Doggie” Miller on March 25. The policemen were attempting to arrest Miller for a robbery that occurred in February. Detective Maneely was killed in the shooting but Detective Tucker fought for life until today. Harry Tucker lived at 5741 Woodland Avenue and leaves behind a wife and 7 children. Jacob Miller will now be charged with double murder.

4-24-1915 Detective Tucker

The Barnum and Bailey Circus, known as the Greatest Show on Earth, will be opening tomorrow at 19th & Hunting Park Avenue and the Gimbel brothers are planning on taking 3000 youngsters to see the show as their guests. The children are all orphans or live in foster homes. The Gimbel brothers did much the same thing last year when the circus visited and when they saw the joy in the eyes of the little ones in their care they decided to repeat the gesture. Along with watching the circus from the very best seats the brothers will also be providing lemonade and 15 barrels of candy, popcorn and other goodies for the children.

In sports, Eppa Rixey started yesterday’s game for the Phillies and pitched an efficient and clean cut game beating the Braves 2 to 1 and giving the Phillies their 8th win in a row. The teams meet again today at 3:00pm at National League Park. Erskine Mayer will take the mound for the Phillies. Up in Boston yesterday’s game between the Athletics and the Red Sox was rained out. Today Herb Pennock will take the mound for the A’s.

Franklin Field was filled to capacity today for the 2nd day of events of the University of Pennsylvania’s annual relay carnival. Teams from Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Cornell, Dartmouth, Missouri, Wisconsin and California as well as local high school athletes are participating.


On the western front, there are reports that yesterday at Gravenstafel Ridge on the Ypres salient in Belgium the Germans launched over 150 tons of chlorine gas in attacks against French colonial troops. It is estimated that 6,000 were killed or grievously injured by the gas. Most of those killed died within 10 minutes of the attack. And today a second gas attack has been reported against Canadian troops.

In the Middle East, there are reports that hundreds of Armenians in the Vilayet of Van in eastern Turkey have been massacred by Turkish troops. According to refugees arriving in Tabriz all the towns near Lake Van have been sacked and the Turks are killing all the Christians they can find.


There will be cloudy, overcast skies today with light rain this morning and the chance of rain again tonight. The high will reach about 57° with the low about 51°.

In what some may think is a provocation, the Pennsylvania Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage opened their headquarters at 926 Chestnut Street today. This office just happens to be a short walk from the office of the Equal Franchise Society of Philadelphia located at the corner of 9th & Chestnut. The ladies of the Anti-Suffrage association spent the day decorating the interior office and windows in white, black and pink which are the colors of the organization. The colors represent purity, steadfastness and the best in womanhood.

Thirty-five people, many of them children, were rescued from a burning tenement at 928 Spring Garden Street by police and pedestrians this morning. The children, most of who were under quarantine for measles, were carried out through the flames by neighbors and passersby. Firemen from Engine Company 26 reached the fire before other companies and brought it under control. Engine Company 17 would have arrived first but at 12th & Spring Garden it was struck by an automobile. The Engine was disabled and 3 firemen were injured. No other injuries occurred as a result of the fire.

In sports, the Phillies opened their home season at National League Park yesterday afternoon and did so with a flourish. Behind the pitching of “Pete” Alexander they beat the Boston Braves 8 to 4 winning their 7th game in a row. Alexander is now 3 and 0 on the season. Today’s game against the Braves will see Eppa Rixey take the mound for the hometown boys.  Up in Boston yesterday the Red Sox’s beat the A’s 7 to 6. In boxing, at the Broadway A.C. last night Joe Heffernan the West Philadelphia welterweight knocked out Sammy Trinckle of Smokey Hollow in the 2nd round.



A great German drive against Allied positions between the North Sea and Ypres is meeting with success. The Allies were driven out of Langemarck and back all along the line of the Ypres Canal. Reports are that the Allies suffered heavy losses. The French continue to advance in the forest of d’Ailley south of St. Mihiel and also in Alsace. The Kaiser has spent the last few days reviewing his troops in Alsace near Muelhausen. Likewise, in the east the Czar arrived in Lemberg today on his way to visit his troops, first in Galicia and then in the Carpathians. Reports from the Carpathians are that the Russians are being held at the Uszok Pass by fierce Austrian resistance.


There will be cloudy skies over the city today and tonight with the possibility of showers this evening. The temperature however will be much cooler with the high only reaching 65° and the low tonight around 44°.

Old “Tom Rittenhouse”, the resident cat of Rittenhouse Square for 28 years, died last March. The death was met with great sorrow by the little children who make the Square their playground. On March 26, 1914, Old Tom was given a solemn and dignified burial in the Square (see the edition of that date for coverage of the funeral). Old Tom’s was the first and only burial in the Park. The children that loved him still care for the little grave (shown below). Tulips outline the mound while pink and white hyacinths crown the top. The superintendent of the Square, Harry Truitt, ensures the grave is well kept. He knows that if he did not the children and their parents would hold him to account.


The American Philosophical Society is holding its annual convention in this city at the Society’s hall on Independence Square. The formal opening is set for 2:00pm today and will last 3 days. The Society was founded here in 1727 to promote useful knowledge in literature and science. The group boasts 400 members worldwide.  One of the featured speakers will be Mr. Charlemagne Tower of this city and former United States Ambassador to Germany and Russia.

Also opening today is the 4th annual Indoor Horse Show at the 3rd Regiment Armory, Broad & Wharton Streets. Three hundred and thirty-five entries in dozens of classes and events are expected. The show begins this afternoon at 2:15pm and lasts for 3 days. All proceeds from the event will be shared among 6 Philadelphia hospitals.

In sports, the undefeated Phillies play their home opener today at National League Park against the current world champion Boston Braves. Today’s game begins at 3:00pm and will be preceded by a band concert starting at 1:00pm. The Athletics are up in Boston today to take on the Red Sox.  In boxing tonight, at the Broadway A.C., 15th & Washington Avenue, welterweights Joe Heffernan of West Philadelphia and Sammy Trinckle of Smokey Hollow meet in the wind-up match. Five other bouts are also on the card.


On the western front, the French are reporting gains in the Argonne, Alsace, the Woevre and the Champagne region. In the east, a massive German-Austrian offensive into western Galicia and southwestern Poland is having the desired effect of halting the Russian moves into Hungry and any invasion of Silesia. German activity in northern Poland is also resuming with the bombardment of the fortress city of Ossowitz on the Bobr River. In the Aegean, British warships are shelling Turkish forts in the Gulf of Saros and on the Gallipoli Peninsula.


Clear skies are expected over the city today with the high reaching around 84° and the low about 55°.

A bit of an embarrassment has arisen in Philadelphia society. It is caused by the fact that scores of prominent Philadelphians failed to receive an invitation to the wedding of the season when Miss Cordelia Biddle weds Mr. Angier Duke of New York here next Wednesday. Many of this city’s elite thought themselves out of favor or slighted by their failure to receive an invitation. But today Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Drexel Biddle sent out new announcements and invitations. The Biddle’s believe that up to 25% of the several thousand invitations previously sent were lost in the mail. The problem came to light when very few of the family’s closest friends responded to the invitations. Mr. Biddle has expressed his acute embarrassment at the situation and has personally taken the matter up with the Postmaster who in turn promised a thorough investigation. The family is shown below, left to right, Mr. Angier Duke, Miss Cordelia Biddle , Mrs. A.J. Drexel Biddle and Mr. Anthony Drexel Biddle.


The State Livestock and Sanitary Commission has ordered the killing of 4000 hogs kept on a farm at 31st & Maiden Lane in the 48th Ward. The discovery of foot and mouth disease on the property necessitates the slaughter.

On the sports beat, in baseball today the Athletics were crushed by the Yankees 8 to 0 at Shibe Park. The A’s will travel to Boston tomorrow for a 3 game series. In New York the Phillies won their 6th game in a row beating the Giants 6 to 1. The Phillies return to National League Park tomorrow to meet the Boston Braves. Also, the high school cricket season opens today with Northeast High visiting Penn Charter this afternoon. In shooting, the Keystone Shooting League of Philadelphia will hold its 8th annual trapshooting tournament today and tomorrow at Holmesburg Junction. This is the largest trapshooting event in the east.


On the western front, The French have renewed their assault against German positions around St. Mihiel. Berlin is claiming that French aeroplanes which dropped bombs on 4 unfortified towns in Alsace have killed 21 non-combatants including 10 children. In the east, Austrian artillery units have forced the Russians to retreat from Tarnow in Galicia. Tarnow is an important railway center and is located 45 miles east from Cracow.

In the Aegean Sea, Allied troops numbering around 20,000 have been landed at Enos just west of the Gulf of Saros for a ground assault on the Dardanelles. Troop transports have also sailed from the island of Lemnos. In conjunction with this troop movement British and French ships are continuing their bombardment of the Turkish forts protecting the straits and the route to Constantinople.


The forecast for today calls for clear and sunny skies. The temperature will rise to an unseasonably high 82° with the low tonight about 67°.

The cries and shouts of excitement from the children around 19th & Hunting Park Avenue are being heard daily now as they exclaim “The Circus is coming”. Truant officers in Nicetown and Tioga have been placed on alert to make sure the boys are not spending school time at the site. The big tents for the Barnum & Bailey’s Circus are being raised on the grounds by 300 workers, called razorbacks, in preparation for the coming spectacular. The circus is expected to reach Philadelphia on Sunday with the first performance Monday morning.

In crime news, Robert Anderson, 20 years old of 1943 Glenwood Avenue, was sentenced today to 5 days in county jail for “peeping” from behind trees at affectionate couples in Fairmount Park last night. Mr. Anderson tried to convince the judge that he was merely sitting behind the trees reading a book. But he was unable to explain how he was able to read in the darkness.

Jitney traffic has grown by leaps and bounds in the city. Police now believe 1000 jitneys are operating throughout the city. New lines have been opened in West Philadelphia and the northeast section. The greatest concentration of the vehicles is in center city. Despite the large numbers on the streets no accidents have been reported. Recently a bill has been proposed in the state legislature to regulate this new business.

In major league baseball, At the Polo Grounds in New York the Phillies continued their winning streak beating the Giants 5 to 2. The Phillies have yet to lose a game this season. At Shibe Park the Athletics downed the Yankees 6 to 2. In the high school game, Northeast beat Southern 5 to 1. West Philadelphia High defeated last year’s champion Central High 5 to 1. However, Central’s Tennis Team did much better yesterday defeating Friends’ team in all 6 matches.


On the western front, British and French troops are attacking the left and right wings of the German lines simultaneously to prevent the Germans from transferring men from one section of the front to another. The British are reporting an advance of 3 miles between Kemmel and Wulverghem, Belgium on the Ypres salient.  In the east, 600,000 new Russian troops have been dispatched to the Carpathian front. In addition to this there are Reports that the Kaiser has ordered 500,000 German troops to the Carpathians to bolster the Austrian defenses.



Today Philadelphians will see overcast skies with periods of rain and a possible afternoon thunderstorm. The rain will taper off over night. The high today will reach around 70° with the overnight low about 56°. Today, Americans throughout the country but especially in Massachusetts will commemorated this 140th anniversary of the battle Lexington and Concord.

At the 2nd & Christian Streets station today Magistrate MacFarland told the 4 men before him that he was compelled to hold them over for trial even though he regretted doing so. The men are Jacob Jaffe, Benjamin Horowitz, Herman Rubenstein, and Philip Dorman, all of Fitzwater Street. They are accused of assaulting Francisco Vessella, 218 Fitzwater Street, who is now in Mt. Sinai Hospital. The accused men asserted that Vessella was “annoying” little girls while they played at 3rd & Fitzwater. When they approached him they say he pulled out a razor. They then had to subdue him with a baseball bat.

In entertainment news, the great opera Prima Donna, Emma Calve (shown below), will be appearing this week at B.F. Keith’s Theatre, 12th & Chestnut Streets. On the screen at the Empress Theatre in Manayunk, 4441 Main Street, “Portia” will be shown. The Empress can accommodate 1500 patrons per show. At the Tioga, 17th & Venango streets “The Outlaw’s Revenge” staring Raoul Walsh will be shown [EDITORS NOTE: The film is set in Mexico and is actually a remake of a 1914 film starring Pancho Villa. Some scenes were filmed during actual battles of Villa’s troops. Raoul Walsh would be much better remembered for his directing talents over his 50 year career].


On the sports scene, the Athletics fell to the Yankees today at Shibe Park by the score of 11 to 6. Ray Caldwell got the win for New York and Herb Pennock took the loss. In New York, at the Polo Grounds, the Phillies won their 4th game in a row beating the Giants 3 to 0.


The British government is preparing for the expected German master stroke, a combined attack by sea and air on the English coast and perhaps even London. The German’s have long planned such a crushing assault which will use submarines, battleships, cruisers, zeppelins and aeroplanes against the eastern coast and inland towns. The attack is expected soon due to the concentration of zeppelins in Belgium and German naval vessels at German ports.

Also, Diplomatic circles are convinced that Italy will soon declare war against Austria abrogating its prior treaty obligations and join the Allies. The reports stem from the fact that the Austrian Ambassador in Rome has sent his family from that city and also the archives of the Embassy to Vienna. The staff of the Italian Embassy in Vienna has also made arrangements to leave that city.


The city will see clear and fair skies today and Sunday. The high today will reach around 68° with the low about 47°.

A tragic story comes from the Fairmount section of the city. Marion Reilley, 9 years old of 2117 Wallace Street is lying in the hospital with a fractured skull and is not expected to live. The girl was beaten with an iron pipe by 6 year old Robert Miller of 2134 Wallace Street. After an operation the little girl regained consciousness for a time and begged that Robert not be punished for what he did. She explained it had really been her fault. She said she was teasing Robert about being a foreigner. Robert became angry, got the pipe and began hitting her. Marion said she does not believe Robert understood what he was doing and she forgives him. Marion is one of the best and brightest students at the Lincoln Public School, 20th & Buttonwood Streets.

The motion picture industry is growing in this city with the addition of two new film companies and the expansion of another. The Foreign Film Corporation will be opening a large indoor studio in Germantown at 20 East Herman Street. The studio will be able to hold 5 stages all capable of operating at the same time. The Art Film Company will also now be producing films at 25th & Lehigh. Finally, the Modern Feature Film Corporation is moving its offices to 227 North 13th Street to allow for expansion of its facilities.

In baseball yesterday the Athletics and Red Sox  played to a 6-6 tie. The game was called after 9 innings for darkness. Rube Bressler started for the Mackmen but was pulled after 5 innings for Bob Shawkey. For the Red Sox young Mr. George Ruth (shown below), called Babe by many, went 4 innings but gave up 5 runs before being lifted. The New York Yankees come to Shibe today for the start of a 4 game series. The Phillies will be in New York today against the Giants at the Polo Grounds. Grover Alexander will get the ball for the Phillies while Christy Mathewson will be on the mound for the Giants.

Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth


 German airships have again raided English coastal towns causing great damage. Members of the British coast guard have reportedly been killed in the bombing. Also, reports from both Suffolk and Essex claim attacks throughout the day. On the ground in France, German infantry assaults near Arras have been beaten back by the French. Also, the French have resumed their offensive against the German wedge between the Meuse and the Moselle Rivers.  In the east, German aerial attacks are also being launched in Northern Poland near the Narew River. Reportedly large flotillas of German aeroplanes are dropping massive numbers of bombs in the Mlawa and Ossowitz regions.


The forecast calls for a cloudy and overcast sky today with the slight chance of rain tonight. The high will reach about 59° with the low around 42°.

The proliferation of jitneys is causing consternation among the owners and shareholders of the P.R.T. and the taxicab companies. There is even a movement to have the vehicles removed from the streets. In response the jitney drivers have organized themselves into an association and are adopting a uniform system of charges, by-laws and even legal counsel to protect their business. There are estimates that the P.R.T. will lose $250,000.00 per year in lost ridership due to the jitneys. There are about 125 jitneys (like those shown below) operating now and carrying almost 20,000 passengers per day. Most fares from City Hall around center city and north and south on Broad Street are .05¢.


The bravery and dedication of this city’s fireman was on full display today as they fought an enormous blaze at the religious supply store of Joseph Wesotowski, Almond & Orthodox Streets. At one point the ceiling collapsed on 7 of the fireman from Engine Companies 7 and 14 and trapped them for a time. The most seriously injured was Battalion Chief Hugh Colgan. But, even after being rescued from the burning building, neither the Chief nor the others would leave the scene for medical care. They all remained to fight the fire. The injured men were severely burned on the face, head and hands and were taken to the hospital after the blaze was extinguished.  The injured firemen were Russell Stackhouse, Charles Weiser, William McKnight, Albert Broadbent, Sylvester Leiby and Harry Shultz.

On the sports beat, the Athletics and Boston will be in action again this afternoon at Shibe Park starting at 3:00pm. Up in Boston the Phillies game against the Braves was called due to rain. In boxing tonight at the Quaker City A.A., 26th & Dauphin Streets, Terry Martin the 15 year veteran welterweight from Southwark meets Jackie Clark of Massachusetts in the main bout. Four other fights are on the card.


The long threatened aerial bombardment of England appears to have begun. This morning 3 zeppelins crossed the North Sea and bombed English towns. Then after the airships retreated, Taube aeroplanes attacked Sittingbourne in Kent and Faversham. The Taubes were eventually engaged by British planes near Chatham. However the Germans escaped before being brought down.  Count Zeppelin is personally directing the attacks.

In the east, in northern and western Poland the German offensive has been renewed. There are fierce engagements around Mlawa, Ossowitz, the Bobr-Narew front and west of the Vistula River. Also, the Russians are resuming their offensive in Galicia. Reports are that the Russians have reached the Biala River which is 50 miles southeast of Cracow.


Philadelphians will see another day of fair and clear skies. The high temperature will reach around 54° with the low tonight around 44°. There is a chance of frost in some of the northern parts of the area.

There are solemn remembrances on this 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Lincoln. The bell in the tower of Independence Hall sounded 50 times at noon. Also, Mayor Blankenburg has ordered all flags on public buildings to be flown at half-mast. In Washington, President Wilson has issued an executive order that all government offices shall be closed today and all flags on government buildings are also flown at half-mast.

Coinciding with this solemn and sad anniversary, 2000 veteran officers of the Union army are arriving in this city for the 3 day meeting of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Many events are planned for the attendees beginning with an evening of speeches and music tonight at the Academy of Music.

Mr. David Boyes, 1014 North Front Street, had quite the shock this morning when he opened his door to retrieve the milk delivery. Beside the bottles lay a baby. Police were summoned and the babe was taken to the Front & Master Streets station where the matron, Mrs. Annie McCluckey, began removing the child from the warm blanket it had been lovingly wrapped in. The policemen at the station jokingly named the child “Thursday” in honor of the day. But after Mrs. McCluckey had a look at the child she changed the name to Helen and determined her to be about 3 months old. Police are looking for the parents.

In sports, the Athletics (shown below) went down to defeat to the Red Sox at Shibe Park this afternoon, 5 to 3. Joe Bush started the game for the A’s but was relieved after 4 innings by Weldon Wyckoff who took the loss. The Phillies took their 2nd game from the Braves in Boston by the score of 7 to 1. Erskine Mayer not only got the win but helped his own effort batting in 2 RBIs.

1915 Athletics


A German zeppelin brought destruction and fear along the River Tyne in northeast England. The airship dropped over 30 bombs on 11 towns during its cruise up the river. It is thought the object of the raid were the artillery plants in Newcastle. However, the zeppelin failed to find that target. Ten British aeroplanes gave chase to the zeppelin but failed to intercept it. The giant airship made its way safely back to Belgium. On the ground the French are reporting slight gains in Alsace and in the Argonne.  In the east, fierce fighting continues along the western slopes of the Carpathians. The Russians are claiming victory over the combined Austrian-German army in the eastern Beskid mountain range.


There will be bright and clear skies over the city today. However, the high will only reach about 57° with the low tonight around 43°.

Three Philadelphia nurses left today for the battlefields of Europe as part of the Red Cross Society’s contribution to bring some comfort to those wounded by the war. The nurses are shown below and are, left to right, Miss Lydia Shrope, Miss Margaret Haggerty and Miss Helen Barclay.  They will be joining a contingent of 32 nurses from around the country and are expected to serve in Belgium for at least 6 months. In other news, Pennsylvanians send their congratulations to Governor Brumbaugh and Lieutenant Governor Frank McClain on the anniversary of their births today. The Governor turns 53 today and the Lieutenant Governor, 51.

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In sports, Baseball fans are elated because the long awaited start of the baseball season is finally here. And today both of our home town teams opened their quest for the pennant with a win. The Phillies defeated the Braves 3 to 0 at Fenway Park up in Boston. Grover Cleveland Alexander took the mound for the Phillies and pitched a good game giving up 6 hits and 2 walks over 9 innings and collecting 5 strikeouts.

At Shibe Park 8,000 fans came to watch the Boston Red Sox meet Connie Mack’s refurbished team. Part of that new squad includes the return to the A’s of Napoleon “Nap” Lajoie at 2nd base. It was in fact “Lajoie Day” at the Park as Larry, as he is sometimes called, was welcomed back with a celebration by the team. Nap played in this town for the Phillies from 1896 to 1900 and then for the A’s in the 1901 and 1902 seasons. Unfortunately, Nap went 0 for 4 today but the A’s still took the opening day contest 2 to 0 behind the pitching of Herb Pennock.  The Park opened at 1:00pm and fans were treated to a concert by the First Regiment Band. Then at 2:00pm the American League Championship Pennant was raised and the teams marched around the field. The first pitch of the season was thrown at 3:00pm.


On the western front, the French are continuing their assault around St. Mihiel in the Woevre region. Reports are that German artillery tore huge gaps in the advancing French forces causing very heavy losses. In the east, the Austrians are claiming that the Russian advance along the Carpathian front has been halted. The German assault toward Lemberg in Galicia may have forced the Russians to transfer troops from the Carpathians to meet that threat. Also, reports out of Russia are that all Jews in the Baltic provinces of the Empire are being removed and transferred to Siberia for political reasons.


There will be fair skies today with cool moderate winds from the northwest. The high temperature will be about 67° with the low tonight around 43°.

Members of the First Advanced Base Regiment of the United States Marines stationed at League Island conducted maneuvers today on the Delaware River. The purpose was to ascertain how quickly this city could be made safe from attack by a hostile fleet. The Regiment known as the “mining company” planted 20 mines weighing between 350 and 800 lbs. in the River in less than 2 hours. It is believed in 1 day over 300 mines could be laid making the River impassable. Also, artillery pieces were erected and moved on railroad tracks along the River in quick time. The speed and efficiency by which this all was done led the commander of the Marines to be very satisfied with the exercise.

In news from the arts, Leopold Stokowski (shown below), conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, has endorsed a suggestion that the Orchestra play a series of concerts in the city’s schools. The Maestro suggested the concerts could be held in the school auditoriums. He believes hearing the music of the great composers would be of enormous benefit to the students.

Leopold Stokowski

Leopold Stokowski

The professional baseball league teams officially open their seasons tomorrow. The Boston Red Sox will be at Shibe Park to take on the A’s while the Phillies are in Boston to meet the champion Braves. However, this afternoon throughout the area high school boys will be taking to the diamond to partake in the national pastime with the start of their season. Some games include Catholic High against Northeast High, Southern High travels to West Philadelphia High, Frankford High takes on Chestnut Hill, Brown Prep against Swarthmore Prep and Cheltenham High meets Penn Charter.


In the air on the western front, British aviators have bombed German positions at Antwerp and Bruges in Belgium. Also, French aviators have bombed Hamburg, the German city on the River Elbe. Reportedly the naval barracks there was set on fire and many Germans were wounded. French airmen have also bombed Muelhausen, a southern German stronghold on the Rhine River. On the ground, heaving fighting is still reported around St. Mihiel in the Woevre region of northern France.

In the east, reports are that the Kaiser is personally directing the military operations of the Austro-German armies in the Carpathians. This is the reason for the resumption of attacks in the Stryj region, which is equidistant from the strategic points of the Uszok Pass, Przemysl, Lemberg and the Bukowina border. The Germans have also begun a new offensive in Northern Poland with the bombardment of Ossowitz.


This Monday will see clear and sunny skies. Yesterday’s rain has moved out to sea. The high temperature today will be about 66° and the low tonight around 52°.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Channey, Negroes, of 913 South 9th Street are asking the public’s help to find their baby. The couple is even advertising in Philadelphia papers. The couple says their child, who is 17 months old, was stolen by a woman two months ago. Police have been unable to find any trace of the woman or the child. Anyone with information on the child’s whereabouts should contact the couple or police immediately.

Two Philadelphia hospitals which have previously barred women physicians have now announced they will begin accepting them. The hospitals are the Polyclinic Hospital and Philadelphia General hospital. The women chosen are Dr. Ricka Finkler, who will join the Polyclinic staff and Dr. Marion Rea and Dr. Maud Kinman who will join Philadelphia General.

In entertainment news, the motion picture Hypocrites opens this week at the Globe Theatre, Juniper and Market Streets. This photoplay has caused a sensation wherever it has been shown. The film has been banned in Ohio, caused riots in New York and was censored in Boston due to female nudity throughout the presentation. The film is directed by Miss Lois Weber (shown below) of Allegheny, Pa. Miss Weber is the first American women to direct a feature film.

Lois Weber

Lois Weber

 And on stage at the Forrest Theatre, Broad & Sansom Streets, George M. Cohan (shown below) stars in Hello Broadway.

George M. Cohan

George M. Cohan

In sports, the City Series ended in a tie Saturday afternoon when Gavvy Cravath smashed a home run with 2 on base in the 8th inning. The Athletics were leading 3 to 2 when the Phillies came to bat in the bottom of the 8th at National League Park. But Cravath’s mighty blast put the game away for the National leaguers. The pitchers, Shawkey for the A’s and Alexander for the Phillies both showed fine form.


The great French offensive between the Meuse and the Moselle Rivers in the Woevre region has apparently been halted. The Germans report today that although the French made some gains, none were of any military significance. French losses are estimated at between 15,000 and 20,000. French attacks in the Argonne are also reported to have been stopped. In the east, the Germans have advanced eastward from Mariampol in Northern Poland. Further south, the Russians claim they now have complete control of the Beskid mountain range and have moved 20 miles inside Hungry.


There will be cloudy, overcast skies over the city today with the possibility of rain tonight. The high temperature will reach 72° with the low tonight about 51°.

The route of the post Easter fashion parade on Sunday has been announced and the organizers are challenging all participants to wear their gayest finery. The parade will proceed from 8th & Chestnut to 16th Street then over to Walnut Street and up to Rittenhouse Square where all will promenade around the Square.

Steeplejacks will be working this weekend to take down the 200 foot spire of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 13th & Spring Garden Street. The work began today and was watched by hundreds of curious passersby (shown below). The steeple has been ruled unsafe and will be replaced with a conventional tower.  John F. Hassler, 681 North Broad Street is the man in charge of the project. Mr. Hassler believes the job will take about 10 days. The job is very dangerous. Just 3 years ago 2 of Mr. Hassler’s men were killed in a fall from the Central North Broad Street Presbyterian Church at Broad & Green Streets.


In other news, Samuel D. Lit, of this city and part owner of Lit Brothers Department Store, has been reappointed by Governor Brumbaugh as a lieutenant colonel in the National Guard of Pennsylvania. Also, the Bureau of Health released the weekly mortality report today showing 628 deaths last week. This is an unusually high number and is partially blamed on last week’s blizzard. There were 482 new cases of measles reported.

On the baseball beat, Penn’s nine defeated Cornell yesterday 7 to 5. This afternoon Swarthmore will visit Penn.  The city’s high school baseball season opened yesterday with St. Joseph’s College and Central High showing some spring jump. St. Joseph’s beat Northeast 14 to 4 and Central High walloped the Trades School 15 to 0. In major league baseball, the Athletics beat the Phillies 4 to 2 at Shibe Park taking a 2 to 1 lead in the city series. The teams will meet at National League Park today. The Federal League starts their season today with Buffalo at Brooklyn, Newark at Baltimore, Pittsburgh at Kansas City and St. Louis at Chicago.


The French have driven the Germans from Les Eparges in the Woevre Region. The victory clears the way for an Allied advance on Metz. Reports are that the French suffered frightful losses but inflicted even greater casualties upon the Germans. In the east, the Russians claim continued success in the Carpathians. Seventy five thousand reinforcements have been sent to the Russian army in the Uzsok Pass. All but one of the heights in the Beskid Mountain range is now in Russian hands.


The forecast for today is for clear and sunny skies. Today’s high will reach 70° with the low tonight about 40°. Winds will be out of the east at around 4 miles per hour.

Last weekend’s snow gave the Market Street Merchants’ Association an idea. Why not have a spring fashion show this weekend? And so they will. All Philadelphians are invited to put on their best finery and join the parade up and down Market and Chestnut Streets this Saturday and Sunday. All the department stores and businesses on those streets will cooperate and be lavishly decorated to dazzle the strollers with colorful spring sights. And, down at Atlantic City much the same is planned. The Mayor of that city has officially declared this Sunday as “Fashion Parade Day” on the boardwalk.

Mrs. Mahala Ayers, who was 115 years old, died today at the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, Belmont & Girard Avenues. Mrs. Ayers had been in good health until earlier this week. Mrs. Ayers was born a slave on an estate in Western Maryland. After the war she remained there as a servant for a time. She was taught to read while there and was very proud that she could read her Bible. Mrs. Ayers had no children. She will be buried on Monday.

In entertainment, the last soloist to appear this season with the Philadelphia Orchestra will be Pablo Casals (shown below). Mr. Casals is considered by some the greatest living cellist. Performances are scheduled for this afternoon and tomorrow evening at the Academy of Music. Mr. Casals will perform Dvorak’s Concerto in B minor, Enesco’s “Rumanian Rhapsody” and other selections.

Pablo Casals

Pablo Casals

 In sports, the Phillies had the better of the A’s yesterday afternoon beating the American League champs 9 to 0. The City Series continues today at Shibe Park. In college baseball, Cornell visits Penn this afternoon at Franklin Field.


On the western front, in Belgium the Germans have once again forced their way across the Yser Canal and captured the town of Drie Grachten. Reports are that this time, to prevent recapture of the town by the Belgians, the village has been destroyed. Further south, the French are continuing their offensive between the Meuse and the Moselle Rivers. There are also reports that the Germans are now using incendiary shells in their bombardment of Rheims which is setting the city on fire. In the Argonne, French infantry attacked German positions by throwing some sort of bomb containing an asphyxiating gas.

In the east, the Russians are advancing along a 50 mile front from the Topla River to the Uszok Pass in the Carpathians. A general battle is expected any day along the Hungarian slopes of the Carpathians.


The city will continue to see fair and sunny skies today. The high will reach 62° today with the low around 44°. Lamps, including those on automobiles and other vehicles must be lit by 6:45pm.

Theodore Roosevelt (shown below) left the city today following his speaking engagement last night which was attended by over 3000 people. This morning he visited a number of friends and charitable organizations in the city. Mr. Roosevelt said he was “Dee-lighted to have been in Philadelphia”. But before he left Mr. Roosevelt had some strong words for wife beaters. Teddy said men who beat their wives should be imprisoned and also compelled to work at various trades. The money they earn should then be turned over to their wives and children.

4-8-1915-Theodore Roosevelt

The Woman Suffrage Party conference, meeting in Harrisburg heard some good news from Philadelphia with the news that Senator Boies Penrose will fully and forcefully support women’s suffrage in Pennsylvania. The news that the senior Senator of Pennsylvania and the leader of the Republican Organization of the state had finally “seen the light” was greeted with jubilation by the ladies.

More than 50 children between the ages of 4 and 14 were led to safety from a sulphur fire today by Miss Lillian May Appleby. The children are residents of the Northern Home for Friendless Children and Miss Appleby is the home’s superintendent. The fire started in the basement of the home at 23rd & Brown Streets. Thankfully all the children had been trained in conducting a fire drill so they proceeded orderly to safety behind Miss Appleby while singing a song. By the time firemen arrived all the children were out of the building and the fire quickly extinguished.

In sports, a fine game was played by both the A’s and the Phillies at Shibe Park yesterday. Joe Bush took the mound for Connie Mack and Eppa Rixey threw for the Phillies. Bush looked in fine form pitching shutout ball and holding the Phillies to just 1 hit. The A’s won the game 2 to 0. The 2nd game of the city series will be played today at National League Park, 15th & Huntingdon Streets, starting at 3:00pm.


On the western front, French artillery are raining shells upon the German forces around St. Mihiel. The French insist that they have made significant gains between the Meuse and Moselle rivers in the Woevre region. The Germans on the other hand claim the French have suffered enormous losses. In Turkey, Mehmed V, Sultan of Turkey and First Caliph of the Moslem world granted an audience yesterday to American correspondents and proclaimed the Dardanelle straits cannot be taken by the Allies. The Sultan also expressed his happiness that relations between his country and the United States were so very cordial.



There will be fair skies today with moderate winds from the northwest. The high temperature will reach about 62° with the overnight low around 45°.

Police are searching throughout the city for Miss Theresa Morris, 18 years old of 6715 Leeds Street. Miss Morris is a music teacher and was last seen last Tuesday at a Market Street department store. She is known to have only had $1.00 on her person at the time. She is described as quite pretty. Anyone with knowledge of her whereabouts is asked to contact the police.

Colonel (and former President) Theodore Roosevelt will present a lecture tonight before the Geographical Society at the Academy of Music beginning at 8:00pm. The lecture is entitled “The River of Doubt” and recounts his experiences during his trip through the Brazilian jungle. A lecture of a different kind is being offered at Lit Brothers Department Store all week by Miss Sadie Dougherty. Miss Dougherty will be teaching women the proper way to adjust corsets and illustrate the newest corset types. Girls of all body types will be modeling, from very slender ones to those weighting 210 lbs. Presentations will be held daily from 10:00am to 12:30pm and 2:30pm to 4:30pm.


In international news, Madam Marie Curie, the discoverer of radium and the world’s preeminent woman scientist was injured in an automobile accident outside of Paris today. Mme. Curie’s automobile collided with a wagon and was hurled into a ditch. Her injuries do not appear to be life threatening. Reports from Mexico are that a pitched battle is taking place between the forces of Pancho Villa and Venustiano Carranza around the town of Ebano for control of the port of Tampico.

In sports, Shibe Park will be the scene at 3:00pm this afternoon for the first game of the city series between the Athletics and the Phillies. While in Florida the two teams met 3 times without a series victor. The first game ended in a tie with each team taking one of the final two.


French troops are vigorously pressing the Germans around St. Mihiel. The French have also reported gains northeast of Verdun. Throughout the Woevre region both the Germans and the French are rushing reinforcements to the front. Fighting is taking place day and night near Pont-a-Mousson. In the east, Russian forces under General Ivanoff are reporting success in their new offensive in Bukowina. Additionally, German reinforcements are being rushed to the Carpathian Mountains to assist the Austrians in their defense against the Russian advance through the Dukla and Lupkow passes.


There will be clear, fair and sunny skies today over the city with the high reaching 52° and the low about 42°.

Our city’s German-American citizens will celebrate “Prince Bismarck Day” today with meetings, musicals, dances and other festive gatherings. Chancellor Bismarck was born on April 1st but the celebrations were postponed in deference to the Lenten season. Numerous celebrations are planned throughout the city but the largest gathering will most probably occur at the Metropolitan Opera House, 11th and Chestnut Streets, where Bismarck’s statesmanship in unifying the German states and the creation of modern Germany will be discussed.  Otto von Bismarck died in 1890.

In entertainment news, Marie Dressler has signed a two year contract with the Lubin Company, which produces motion pictures in this city. The contract reportedly will make Miss Dressler the highest paid actress in motion pictures. Also, Miss Ethel Barrymore of this city opens and stars in “The Shadow” at the Broad Street Theatre this week.

In Harrisburg, Representative William Walsh of this city stated he will present to the Legislature a bill allowing Philadelphia to enact a curfew for children under the age of 16.

On the sports beat, yesterday in Havana Cuba the fight all boxing fans had been waiting for took place. The champion Jack Johnson met challenger Jess Willard. The fight was scheduled for 45 rounds. Crowd estimates were between 15,000 and 20,000 spectators. The start of the match was delayed for over an hour and when it began the afternoon sun beat down on the boxers while the temperature reached triple digits. Johnson controlled the early rounds but beginning in the 19th round Willard started to come on and take control. The once invincible champion began to look even older than his 37 years. The heat and his physical condition took its toll on him. The end came in round 26 when Willard fired a left jab followed by a vicious right to Johnson’s jaw. Johnson went down on his back and the referee counted him out (shown below).

Johnson-Willard fight


On the western front, the French have begun a “spring drive” against the German positions west of Verdun. Reportedly there are 7 German army corps in that region. Also, The Germans are continuing their bombardment of the city of Rheims. Reportedly the city is devastated. In the east, reports from the Carpathians state that 5 divisions of Austrian Troops were defeated with heavy losses today near Mezo Labocz. The Austrians were trapped by Russian forces that had swung eastward from Dukla Pass. Fighting is now centered on the banks of the Ciroka River.


There will be cloudy and overcast skies over the city today. The high will reach about 54° and the low tonight near 40°. The snow from Saturday’s blizzard is all but disappeared. Some areas of the city reported 19 inches of snow but the sun and warm temperatures Sunday and today have worked nature’s wonder and the snow is almost all gone. The Easter Parade on Rittenhouse Square and along Walnut Street went off unencumbered yesterday.

And Saturday’s blizzard was not enough to keep the revelers away from the New Jersey shore resorts. Thousands of visitors crowded Ocean City and Wildwood’s hotels, cottages and boardwalk. But Atlantic City undoubtedly saw the largest crowds. Thousands strolled and promenaded along the Atlantic City boardwalk yesterday for the annual Easter Parade (shown below).

4-5-1915-AC Boardwalk

In local news, Superintendent of Police Robinson has declared police will not be enforcing the new curfew on children 16 years old and younger. The Superintendent said he will not order his men to pick up children because there is no actual law instructing them to do so. The Mayor, the Director of Public Safety and the Judges in Municipal Court may want the police to enforce the curfew but Chief Robinson said until such a law is passed the police cannot arrest anyone for breaking it. On Saturday the Bureau of Health released its weekly mortality report showing 572 deaths last week. Ominously the report also showed 430 new cases of measles, 193 new cases of chicken pox and 174 new cases of mumps.

On the sports scene, the Athletics will meet the Cleveland team today in Asheville, North Carolina. A large crowd is expected to see the game between two major league teams. Of course the big news in the boxing world is the Johnson-Willard fight. Betting here in the city puts Johnson at a 2 to 1 favorite. The fight will begin today at 12:30 pm in Havana, Cuba. Johnson is guaranteed $30,000.00 for the fight.


On the western front, the French report some advancement in the Woevre region including the taking of Regnieville, east of Pont-a-Mousson.  In Belgium, the Germans have crossed to the west side of the Yser River and captured the town of Drei Gratchen. In the Carpathians, the Russians are reinforcing their troops at the Uszok Pass to clear away any Austrian obstacles and sweep into Hungry. Also Russian Troops are now reportedly firmly in control of the Beskid Mountains. On the Turkish front, the British battleship Lord Nelson has reportedly been sunk in the Dardanelles by fire from Turkish forts along the coast. Also, supposedly 30,000 Allied troops have been landed on the Island of Lemnos in preparation for a ground assault on the Dardanelles.


Snow, yes snow. An unexpected and unwelcome blizzard with winds between 30mph and 40mph has dumped snow throughout our entire area overnight and will probably continue through today and this evening. The high today will reach about 38° with the low around 30°. This is the heaviest April snowstorm in 17 years to hit the city.

So far up to 5 inches is reported in various parts of the city while in the suburbs up to 1 foot has been measured. The storm had travelled up the coast overnight and settled over New Jersey. Telegraph and telephone lines are down along the coast. The New Jersey seashore resorts are almost completely cut off. However, reports have come in from Atlantic City that an army of snow sweepers is working to clear the boardwalk for tomorrow’s annual promenade and Easter Parade (shown below). Atlantic City had expected 100,000 visitors for the Easter weekend.

Atlantic City Easter Sunday 1915

In Philadelphia, the city has hired 19 snow removal contractors with 1,500 employees to join the city’s workers to clear the streets. In Germantown there are reports of snow drifts 6 feet high. Jitney service between Germantown and Roxborough is suspended. Motorized trolley service in center city is almost shut down and horse drawn trolleys have been removed from the streets. Market, Chestnut and Walnut Streets are empty of shoppers as the wind gusts are just too much to bear.

On the sports scene, the Athletics and the Phillies were both winners yesterday. The A’s downed Richmond’s minor leaguers, while the Phillies defeated Norfolk’s nine. Today’s games have been called off due to the weather. Dan Ferris of the Amateur Athletic Association has had a difficult time lately answering queries from girl athletes. The ladies seem to think that since female swimmers are now permitted to register with the A.A.U., runners should have the same liberty. Girls have asked if they can participate in the upcoming Boston marathon. Mr. Ferris has had to tell them that the A.A.U. would never allow women in running events.


The British Admiralty announced today that the destruction of the Turkish forts defending the Dardanelles will take much longer than originally thought. The Admiralty also stated that the public must understand that the taking or destruction of the forts may result in heavy British losses.

On the western front, reports are that Allied attacks in Flanders have been repulsed with little or no gain. The French have renewed their offensive in Alsace west of Mulhausen. In the east, an enormous Russian offensive has been launched along the entire front from the Baltic Sea to the frontier of Rumania. The Russians also report they have expelled the Austrians from Bessarabia.


The forecast for today calls for sunny, clear skies with the high reaching 50° and the low 38°.

Today is Good Friday and Christians around the world are attending solemn services commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Churches of all denominations are draped in black today with only candle light for illumination.

The city has established a curfew for all children 16 years of age or younger. Beginning Monday all children caught on the streets after 11:00pm unaccompanied by an adult will be arrested. Director of Public Safety Porter said that the action was necessary to prevent young people becoming involved in crime. He stated that 75% of all crime is committed by those under 21 years of age. He believes the best way to keep the young from falling into criminal activity is to keep them off the streets at night. Those arrested will be taken to the House of Detention until retrieved by their parents or guardians.

The United States Census Bureau has announced that at 4:00pm today the population of the United States will reach over 100,000,000, specifically 100,000,059. This computation was reached by analyzing and making calculations and projections using figures from the 1900 and 1910 census.

In sports news boxing fans have been waiting months for the big fight on Monday between champion Jack Johnson and “cowboy” Jess Willard in Havana, Cuba. The heavy betting is on Johnson retaining the heavyweight title. But some boxing experts think that Willard has a chance. Johnson isn’t what he once was, even a few years ago. He’s considered fat and out of shape while Willard is young and in prime physical condition. But the Champ is confident. In fact he bet $1,000.00 on himself today and that the fight would not go over 25 rounds.


On the western front, artillery duels are continuing in the Champagne and Woevre regions. And in the air over Dixmude, Belgium, French and German aviators are fighting with the French so far having the best of the results. At least 2 German planes have been downed today. In the east, Russian forces continue their drive into Hungry at the Lupkow and Uszok Passes. In Southern Poland the Russian have begun a new offensive in the region of the Pilica River.



The forecast for today is for clear skies with moderate winds from the northwest. The high will reach 45° with the low tonight about 36°.

Miss C. Biondo, a worker for the Child Federation, luckily was near enough to 1020 Montrose Street to save the lives of 3 children from a fire in their home. The fire was accidently started by Mrs. Rose Judoro who was burning rubbish in the yard. The children’s mother, Mrs. Frank Tierno, had left the house to do errands and locked her children, Angelina (5 years old), Philip (4 years old) and Catharine (2 months old) in a 2nd floor room. When Mrs. Tierno returned home the house was filled with smoke. Her screams attracted Miss Biondo who ran into the smoke filled house, broke through the locked door and carried the children to safety.

Roman Catholics of this city and the world are attending solemn services today for Holy Thursday. Mass will be celebrated commemorating the “Last Supper” of Jesus with his disciples. The Philadelphia Stock Exchange has announced that it will be closed tomorrow in respect of Good Friday.

On the sports scene, Miss Jessie Pyle (shown below) of this city is now the champion woman fencer in the United States. Miss Pyle took the title by defeating Miss Margaret Stimson of New York last evening in that city. The Middle Atlantic Association Amateur Athletic Union will hold its annual gymnastics championships tonight at the Egyptian Hall in the John Wanamaker Department Store beginning at 8:00pm. The match will be held under the auspices of the Meadowbrook Club.

4-1-1915-Jessie Pyle

The area’s local Polo Teams have announced that the games will go on here even though no international games will be scheduled this year. The season will begin on May 22 and close on June 19. Teams will include the Philadelphia Country Club, the Racquet Club, The Rittenhouse Club, the Bryn Mawr Club and a military team from Fort Myer, Virginia.


On the western front there is a lull in the fighting in Flanders. In the Champagne region there are artillery exchanges between Beausejour and Ville-sur-Turbe. In the Argonne, there is heavy fighting, some of which is hand to hand, between Four de Paris and Bagatelle. In the east, a vicious battle is unfolding in the Carpathians at the Uszok and Lupkow passes. The Russians have taken the Dukla Pass and are now 30 miles inside Hungry. It is reported that 4 German Corps have been transferred from the front in Poland to reinforce the Austrians. On the Turkish front, the Russian Navy is bombarding Turkish towns on the Black Sea coast for a second day.



It will be another sunny, cloudless day in the city. But it will also be on the chilly side with the high only reaching 41° and the low about 28°.

An appeal is being made by Mrs. George Wharton Pepper, the chairman of the Paris-American Ambulance Hospital, for funds to purchase 1000 wooden legs. The Hospital desperately needs the artificial limbs and there is inadequate supply in France.

In spring fashion news, first the ladies appropriated the wearing of men’s trousers and converted them into pantalettes. Now fashionable women are taking to carrying men’s walking sticks or canes as part of their ensemble. Shown below is the latest fashion statement seen on the boardwalk at Atlantic City. This new accessory is being called a “ka-tish” instead of a cane.

 3-31-1915-Girl with Cane

The Philadelphia Rifle Association has announced that the largest and most complete indoor rifle, revolver and pistol range in the Country will be opened here at 1926 Green Street. The interest in shooting has grown greatly since the start of the European war and with President Wilson’s expression of reliance on “the citizenry trained in arms” should our country be drawn into that struggle. The range will offer instruction in sport and military weapons.

On the sports scene, the Phillies arrived in Charlotte, North Carolina today to face the Charlotte team but were greeted by 2 inches of snow on the ground. Even once the sun began shining on Wearn Field the ground was too soggy for a game. The team’s next stop on their southern trip is Norfolk, Virginia.  The A’s were rained out in their scheduled game in Charleston, South Carolina. Entries for the University of Pennsylvania’s relay races on April 23 and 24 have now reached 102 college and high school teams.


On the western front, the Germans have opened a vicious bombardment of the forts surrounding Verdun, France. It has taken the Germans 7 months of determined fighting to break through the outer ring of defenses to get close enough to shell the forts with their heavy howitzers. Also, the French have suffered heavy losses in their assault near Regnieville, 19 miles east of St. Mihiel.

In the east, an Austrian army of about 40,000 has invaded the Bessarabia region of the Russian Empire and are advancing toward Chotin on the Dniester River. Reports are the Russian defenders have retreated about 35 miles. On the Turkish front, the Anglo-French fleet in the Dardanelles continued its bombardment of the Turkish forts and villages along the coast today. In the Black Sea, the Russian navy has ceased its shelling of the Turk forts along the Bosphorus. A dispatch from Petrograd asserts that bad weather was the reason for the cessation of operations.



There will be continued clear and fair skies today with the high about 47°. However it will be cold tonight with the low about 22° with chance of snow flurries.

An enormous fire erupted this afternoon at the pier of the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Company, Laurel Street and Delaware Avenue. The fire threatens to destroy the pier and the barges moored alongside. Firemen are attempting to get the blaze under control.

A number of cases were heard today in License Court against cafes and saloons accused of being houses of ill repute. The first case was against the café at Ridge and Girard Avenues owned by Marcus Carroll. A second establishment is located around Park Avenue and Master Street and a third at 15th & Spring Garden which the court was told had been in existence since “Washington crossed the Delaware”. The information on the houses was brought to the Court by the Law and Order Society. The judges commented that they found it curious that these places were still in operation even though police had been informed of the activities. Mr. Clarence Gibboney of the Society told the court that the majority of the women at these places are under 18 years of age.

In entertainment, at the Lyric, Broad & Cherry Streets, Marie Dressler is starring in the delightful comedy “A Mix Up”. At B.F. Keith’s Theatre, 11th & Chestnut Streets, Gertrude Hoffmann (shown below as “Salome”) stars in her 1915 Revue along with 50 beautiful dancing girls.

3-30-1915-Gertrude Hoffmann

On the sports beat, at a meeting held last night of the magnates and owners of the Eastern Basketball League it was decided that the 1915 Championship will be considered a tie. The “game” Saturday night will not count and no makeup game will be scheduled. The meeting, which took place at the Bingham Hotel at 10th & Market Streets, lasted 4 hours and was described as contentious and agitated. Both clubs, Camden and Reading, blamed the other for the fiasco. In addition to the tie, both clubs were fined $25.00.


On the western front, the Germans have been forced back northeast of St. Mihiel, about 17 miles from Metz. Metz is the German stronghold in the Lorraine region. In the east, Berlin is claiming that in the fighting over the last 3 days on the borders of East Prussia and Poland the Russians have suffered over 10,000 killed, wounded or captured. In the Carpathians, furious fighting continues with the Austrians desperately trying to repel the Russians and prevent them from sweeping across Hungry. On the Turkish front, the Russian navy is bombing the forts along the Bosphorus from the Black Sea side. Also, in the Dardanelles the Anglo-French fleet has resumed the shelling of the Turkish forts along the coast.


There will be bright, sunny and cloudless skies today over the city. The high will reach 51° with the low tonight around 38°.

Police Detective James Maneely was laid to rest today. Maneely gave his life Thursday night trying to protect his partner, Detective Harry Tucker, who was also shot and remains in the hospital. Detective Maneely’s body was carried by 12 pallbearers from his home at 3064 East Thompson Street. Hundreds of mourners accompanied Mrs. Maneely, her daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Tucker who came to support the wife of the man who may have saved her husband’s life.

At least 500 uniformed policemen and 200 detectives attended. The mourners also included the Mayor and the Superintendent of Police. Hundreds of neighbors and friends stood outside the Maneely home and along the rooftops as the body was carried out and the Police Band played “Nearer My God To Thee.” In the crowd were also dozens of men who had violated the laws but escaped prison because of Detective Maneely’s plea to the court. They stood now with hats off and sleeves creped in honor of the man who gave them a second chance. Detective Maneely’s body was taken to North Cedar Hill Cemetery for his final rest.

Abington Township will be the first community in the East to adopt the “red light” cautionary system on its highways to minimize motor vehicle collisions. The lamps will be of 60 candlepower and will be placed at various crossroads and intersections. The first will be installed at Edgehill Road and Susquehanna Avenue at a height of 23 feet.

Jews around the world and of course here also mark the beginning of Passover or “Pesach”, as it is called in Hebrew, tonight. The feast will begin at sunset and continue for 8 days. Jewish families will partake of a meal called a “seder” and the recounting of the story of Moses and the exodus from Egypt.

On the sports scene, many are calling what happened Saturday night a fiasco and there is little doubt it did great harm to the sport of basketball. The story is both confusing and insulting to fans of the game. It all started because the Reading team felt it was not given access to enough tickets for its fans. All tickets to the game were controlled by the Camden team. Because of this Reading said they would not play the game. However, Camden knowing Reading’s position still took to the floor, tossed the ball in the basket and was declared the winner by the referee. Hundreds of fans were stunned by this outcome. Supposedly the Eastern League’s ownership will meet tonight to deal with this ridiculous situation.


There will be clear and fair skies over the city today with the high reaching 55° and the low around 25°.

Today our city mourns the brutal murder of Police Detective James Maneely (1st picture below) and the wounding of Detective Harry Tucker (2nd picture) on Thursday night by Jake Miller. Miller was being place under arrest by the detectives for robbery when the shooting occurred. Police had been searching for Miller for over a month for the burglary of the home of Mrs. Emma Bergdoll, 52nd & Wynnefield Avenue, and the stealing of $1,700.00 worth of jewelry.

 3-27-1915 Maneely                                                                                            3-27-1915 Tucker

The shooting took place at Trenton Avenue and Cambria Street in an alley where the detectives had chased Miller. During the arrest Miller struggled with the officers, pulled his gun and shot Maneely 3 times and then turned the gun on Tucker.  Detective Maneely is the first detective to be killed on duty in the history of the force. After the shooting other officers chased Miller but he escaped into the railroad yards in the neighborhood.

Three thousand policemen took part in the search for Miller throughout the Kensington, Tacony, Frankford and Port Richmond neighborhoods. But it wasn’t until Friday afternoon that Miller was captured at the Torresdale train station trying to leave the city. When arrested, Miller, not yet 20 years old, bragged about shooting the detectives. He was taken to the hospital bedside of Detective Tucker for identification. Tucker, who is not expected to survive, identified Miller as the gunman. This morning Miller appeared at a Coroner’s Jury to hear witnesses to the events identify him as the murderer. Miller, who has a long criminal record, smiled throughout the proceedings.

Detective Maneely’s funeral will be held on Monday from his home at 3064 East Thompson Street. He had been on the force for 18 years. The Detective leaves behind his wife and 15 year old daughter, Dorothy.

In other news, a group of 4 sidewalk merchants were arrested today outside of Central High School. The venders were selling “hot dogs”, fish cakes, waffles and gingerbread for lunch to the students. The administration of the school had the venders arrested charging that the boys ate so much at lunch time that they became too dull to learn anything in the afternoon. The educators assert that this kind of food will make the boys stupid. The venders were released from custody after promising not to sell near the school.

In sports, at spring training in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday the Phillies beat the A’s 13 to 6. A second game will be played this afternoon. Phillies manager Pat Moran will send Grover Cleveland Alexander to the mound while Connie Mack will counter with Joe Bush. In professional basketball, the final game of the Eastern Basketball League championship tournament will be played tonight at the Musical Fund Hall, 8th & Locust Streets.



Today will be another cloudy, overcast and grey day. The high will reach around 58° with the low tonight about 43°.

Stunning, maddening and to some romantic, those were the feelings and emotions experienced today by onlookers and visitors at the Central Police Station and Court in City Hall as Addolirata Merciara of 1315 South 11th Street, not only refused to testify against her kidnapper, Salvatore Fasconi (shown below) but had Magistrate Carson marry the couple!

3-26-1915 Fasconi

It will be remembered that Fasconi took the girl by force last week when she refused to marry him. Miss Merciara was told Fasconi already had a wife in Italy. But to this black eyed, black haired beauty his daring act, in full disregard of the law and possible imprisonment, proved he truly loved her and was not lying about a faraway wife. An interpreter was required to translate the marriage ceremony. Addolirata appeared at court in a lovely new dress while Fasconi was in the rumpled suit he had spent the night in locked in a small, concrete cell. Just this morning Fasconi had sent Addolirata a note telling her of his undying love and willingness to spend 1,000 years in prison rather than lose her. Love won out. Amore.

In Harrisburg the governor has vetoed a bill to make the Mountain Laurel the State flower. The Governor gave three reasons for the rejection. First, the flower is already the state flower Connecticut. Second, the Governor isn’t sure that the flower is actually native to this Commonwealth and third, the leaves of the flower are poisonous which may send the wrong message about the state.

On the sports scene, down in Jacksonville, Florida the Phillies have arrived for a 2 game series against the Athletics at Barr’s Field. In the Eastern League Basketball playoff, arrangements have been made to hold the 3rd and deciding game between Camden and Reading at the Musical Fund Hall, 808 Locust Street. The league and the teams thought it best to hold the final game at a neutral location.


On the western front, the battle in the Vosges Mountains has entered its 4th day without a decisive victory by either side. In the east, Russian troops are continuing their move into Hungry through the Carpathian passes. After a 3 day battle near the Pruth River the Austrians are in retreat. Also, Czernowitz, the capital of Bukowina which the Austrians only recently recaptured is reportedly being evacuated in the face of Russian advancements. In the Middle East, Turkish troops attacked an American Mission at Urumiah, Persia and carried off for execution Christians who had sought refuge there. The attack was personally led by the Turkish Consul at Urumiah. The American missionaries attempted to save the Christians but they were beaten back by the Turks.



The forecast calls for overcast, cloudy skies today with the possibility of rain tonight. The high will reach around 54° and the low will be about 40°.

This city’s Italian colony is abuzz with talk today. But it is not about Italy’s possible entry into the war. No, it is about the case of Salvatore Fasconi, 11th & Reed Streets, the kidnapper of Miss Addolirata Merciara. Mr. Fasconi was found and arrested last night in a house at 1179 South 19th Street and today he will face his victim in the Central Station Court in City Hall. Many Italian women from the neighborhood are planning to attend the hearing to see if the young girl will press charges and testify against Mr. Fasconi. Wagers are being made of bottles of wine, wooden spoons and dishpans on what the girl will do. Miss Merciara declared her abductor “My Hero” and said she now believes he does not have a wife in Italy and that he truly loves her or he would not have risked prison.  Miss Merciara has also said she would marry Mr. Fasconi if he asks for her hand.

In Harrisburg today Governor Brumbaugh announced that the leadership of the state’s Republican Party has agreed to support his workmen’s compensation bill and the child labor bill currently in the Legislature.

In sports, Reading defeated Camden 52 to 29 last night in Reading forcing a 3rd and deciding game for the championship of the Eastern Basketball League. The final game will be played Saturday night. In spring training baseball the A’s beat Jacksonville 12 to 6, The Yankees beat Savannah 9 to 5 and Brooklyn defeated the Cuban Reds 8 to 0. Over in Marlin, Texas at the New York Giants spring training camp manager John McGraw has named Jim Thorpe (shown below) his right fielder for the 1915 season.

3-25-1915-Jim Thorpe


In the west, in the foothills of the Vosges Mountains near Hartmannsweiler Kopf in Alsace the French and German armies are locked in a vicious battle. Although the French have taken several lines of German trenches it has come at great cost. The French are trying to break through to the railway line north of Muelhausen which would give them control of the lines of communications in the area.

In the east, the Germans have set fire to portions of the city of Suwalki in northeast Poland in retaliation for the Russian occupation of Memel last week. Reports are that every government building has been burned. In the Carpathians the Russians have forced through the Dukla Pass and have moved into Hungary. They are now entrenched at the railway center near the city of Bartfa. Fighting continues at the passes of Uszok and Lupkow. Finally, reports from Bucharest state that the entire Turkish fleet has entered the Black Sea to give battle to the Russian navy.



The forecast for today is for clear and sunny skies with moderate winds from the northwest. The high will be about 53° with the low tonight around 39°. For those searching for the sights and smells of spring the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society opened its spring flower show yesterday in Horticultural Hall. The Hall was filled with hyacinths, lilacs, lilies and roses. But the greatest variety of flower was presented by the array of tulips which came in every color and shade. The public is invited to attend.

A last, sad and heartfelt tribute was paid today to Frank Hymovitz, 14 years old, by his fellow students of the James Wilson Public School of 12th & Wharton. Young Frank died yesterday at his schoolroom desk and today his coffin lay at his home at 803 Wharton Street. His fellow classmates asked their teacher if they could contribute their pennies for floral tributes and wreaths for their friend. She agreed. But eventually all 1700 students at the school donated to the effort. Frank was a very well-liked classmate. And the other students looked after him because he was frail from the heart disease which eventually took his life. Hundreds of Frank’s fellow students went to his home with flowers this afternoon to say goodbye and each was tearfully thanked by his grieving mother and father.

On the sports beat, In the Eastern League Basketball playoff series last night, Camden beat Reading 45 to 35 in front of 3000 cheering spectators at the Third Regiment Armory building. At the end of the first half Camden only led 18 to 17. But in the second half Camden’s quintet pulled away. The next game will be played tonight in Reading.

Down at spring training in Florida at practice yesterday prior to the game with the Cubs, Phillies shortstop Dave Bancroft suffered a broken nose. Bancroft required a few stiches and will probably need an operation on his nose when he returns to Philadelphia.

Dave Bangcroft


In the west, five aeroplanes from the British Royal Naval Air Service bombed the German shipyards at Hoboken, 3 miles south of Antwerp. The targets of the attack were the locations where submarine construction was taking place. The bombs were dropped from 1000 feet and the ship works were reportedly set afire and heavy damage was inflicted. On the eastern front, in the Carpathians the Russians have opened an offensive along a 65 mile front. The objective is to take the passes at Dukla, Uszok and Lupkow.

On the Turkish front, allied troops have landed on the Gallipoli peninsula on the northern, European side of the Dardanelles. At its widest this area is no more than 3 or 4 miles wide. British and French warships have renewed their attacks in support of the landing.
