On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.

To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


The forecast calls for increasing cloudiness today with the possibility of more snow tomorrow. Today’s high will be about 33° with the low near 21°. Children are taking full advantage of the winter wonderland created by the snowfall including sledding on the hills in Cobb’s Creek Park (shown below).

12-15-1915 Sledding in Cobb's Creek

This year’s Mummers’ Parade promises to be the most spectacular ever. As of today 36 clubs have applied for permits which will comprise over 12,000 marchers and 200 floats. All talk of moving the parade to Wilmington, Delaware or New York City is gone and the malcontents that supported the idea have surrendered to the majority.

The police of the 4th & York Streets station are busy preparing to provide the needy of the 19th Ward a happy Christmas. The officers and policemen are canvassing the neighborhood to find out which families they can help. Merchants and businessmen in the area are donating food for baskets to be given out. Theatre owners in the Ward are donating the proceeds from matinees on December 20, 21 & 22 to the fund.   Also a huge Christmas tree will be erected in the police station and on Christmas Eve a party for the neighborhood will be given and baskets of food for the poor and toys for the little ones will be given out.

The National Independent Equal Rights League has been holding its 8th annual convention in this city at the Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church, 17th & Bainbridge Street.  Today after receiving a report of meetings between the group’s representatives and President Wilson it was decided to issue a call to all Negros in the United States to vote against the President in the upcoming election. One of the main points of opposition to the President is his refusal to end the segregation of Negros in the Post Office and Treasury Department. The members also feel the President has violated his pledge to work for the uplifting of the Negro race. The group also voted to form an armed league to protect the rights and liberties of Negroes throughout the United States. The League will close its convention this evening.

In sports, The St. Joseph’s College basketball team opens its season against Fordham College at 17th & Stiles Streets tonight at 8:00pm. In baseball, a settlement is rumored to be in the works between the American and National leagues and the Federal League. Provisions of the settlement include a withdrawal of the anti-trust suit filed by the Federals against the major leagues; the closing of the Federal League; The sale of the Chicago Cubs to Charles Weeghman who presently owns the Chicago Whales and the sale of the St. Louis Cardinals to E. Philip Ball who presently owns the St. Louis Terriers.

