On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.
To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
There will be mostly clear skies over the city today with light breezes from the north. The high will reach 69° with the low near 51°. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. The day set aside for the honoring of the most important woman in everyone’s life. Commemoration of the day was started by a Philadelphia woman, Miss Anna Jarvis (shown below) of 2031 North 12th Street. Miss Jarvis believes that a white carnation should be given to one’s mother and also worn as a sign of respect and honor. She also suggests that for those living away from home a long letter be written to mother telling her how much she is loved and missed. Churches, Sunday schools, civic and patriotic organizations all plan special events tomorrow to honor the women who mean so much to all of us.
Today at Horticultural Hall, Broad Street below Locust, the 2nd annual “Just Plain Dog” show will be held. There are no pure breads invited. This event is solely for the average, common, everyday dog. A dog show devoted to the mutt in all his or her glory. The show is sponsored by the Just Plain Dog Association and will include 30 classes of canines judged over 9 hours. The winner of each class will then compete for overall Champion Mutt who will receive a lovely blue ribbon.
The Point Breeze Amusement Park opens today with a number of new attractions. During the winter there were also improvements made by filling in the lowland area. The new accouterments include new thrill rides and an expanded picnic area. The Park is located at 26th & Penrose Ferry Avenue in South Philadelphia.
On the banks of the Schuylkill River today 10,000 people assembled for the American version of the Henley Regatta. Every eastern university except Cornell was represented at this, the 14th American Rowing Association races. In the featured race of the day for the George C. Childs Cup, Princeton took the trophy followed by the Naval Academy, Columbia and Penn. In the race for the Challenge Cup, the Vesper Club was victorious, followed by Yale University and the Nonpareil Club finishing 3rd. In the single scull event Philadelphia’s own John B. Kelly took the crown. In the special Schuylkill Club 8-oared race, Malta claimed the title with Undine taking 2nd and Vesper 3rd. And in the high school race Central was victorious with Northeast finishing 2nd and West Philadelphia 3rd.
At the motion picture theatres this weekend, at the Olympia, Broad & Bainbridge in South Philadelphia, Bertha Kalich stars in Slander. At the Lafayette, 2014 Kensington Avenue, Florence Rockwell appears in He Fell in Love with His Wife. At the Market Street Theatre, 333 Market Street, Mabel Taliaferro appears in Her Great Price. And at the Cedar, 60th & Cedar Avenue, Charles Richman stars in The Battle Cry of Peace. Enjoy your weekend!