On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.

To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com


There will be partly cloudy skies over the city today and tomorrow with the slight chance of rain tomorrow. The winds will be moderate and out of the south. Today’s high will be around 75° with the low near 54°. The “Philadelphia Today and Tomorrow Exposition” opened this morning in the Commercial Museum, 34th & South Streets. The Exposition was opened by receipt of a radio transmission from President Wilson with his best wishes for the event’s success. Visitors will see hundreds of exhibits portraying the city’s greatness in manufacturing, business, education, science, medicine and the Arts.


Election Day is tomorrow and along with the primary voting for the Presidential nominations the most important measure for the citizens of this city is the transit loan measure authorizing the city to borrow $67,100,000.00 to continue with the construction of the Frankford Elevated and the Broad Street Subway.  Because of the loan measure on the ballot this election is considered a general election. Therefore all saloons must close tonight at midnight and remain closed until midnight tomorrow evening. Were it not a general election the saloons would only be closed from 1 hour before the polls opened until 1 hour after the voting ended.

In news from Delaware, the town of Laurel is under quarantine. All travel into and out of the town of about 2,500 people has been stopped and guards have been placed at all access points. The quarantine is the result of a smallpox epidemic in the town.  Laurel is about 100 miles due south of Philadelphia, close to the Maryland border.

In news concerning the Mexican situation, the 112th Delaware Artillery has been ordered to the border. The 112th has been stationed at Fort du Pont, Ft. Mott and Ft. Delaware. They will now travel to Port Sam Houston and be placed under the command of General Funston. The departure of the Company will leave less than 100 men at the 3 Delaware River forts. And Colonel Charles Allen of the National Guard of Pennsylvania said today that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Regiments could be mobilized and ready to start for any location necessary within 15 hours of a call to arms.

In baseball the Phillies found last year’s form over the weekend. Out in Cincinnati they beat the Reds on Saturday 5 to 0 and on Sunday 4 to 3. Today they continued that streak by walloping the Reds 7 to 4. Eppa Rixey got his 3rd win on the season. The Athletics have also had some weekend success here at Shibe Park. On Saturday they defeated the St. Louis Browns 4 to 3 and today won 5 to 4. Bullet Joe Bush got the win going 9 innings.

