On this page we will look back at life in the city during the war years. Here we will provide the visitor with the stories making the news, what was happening in sports and entertainment, city politics, the social scene and the prominent people at the time. We will also recount the events occurring in the war on that day. So, check back each day for new editions.
To share your family or neighborhood stories, please email PhillyWWIyears@gmail.com
Rain is falling on the city today and it is expected to continue through the evening. The high will reach about 69° with the overnight low near 55°. The polls opened today at 7:00am and will close tonight at 7:00pm. Mayor Smith today ordered the entire police force to be on alert to prevent fraud at the polls. He especially mobilized those stations located in Penrose-McNichol wards. Arrests of Penrose-McNichol men for election fraud have already occurred in the 4th & 13th wards. A heavy turnout has been reported in South Philadelphia and Germantown. In West Philadelphia and the mill districts turnout is light so far.
On the women’s fashion scene it appears the walking stick is all the rage this season. The fashionable sets in New York and Atlantic City have adopted the cane as an essential accessory. The feminine version of the walking stick is a delicate one of polished wood in bright colors with red being the most popular. The stick must also be topped with either a silver or black glass knob.
In baseball today the A’s game here against the Browns is rained out. Out in Cincinnati the Phillies continue their winning ways with a 4 to 3 victory over the Reds. Gravvy Cravath led the hitting smacking 2 triples and going 3 for 2 at the plate. In the high school games Northeast defeated Central at Houston Field, 4 to 0. Frankford beat Philadelphia Trades School 7 to 5 and West Philadelphia downed South Philadelphia 6 to 2.
Guglielmo Marconi (shown below), the great inventor, has arrived in London from Italy with news of far-reaching developments which have been achieved in use of the wireless. Mr. Marconi said the new developments will allow aeroplane pilots to not just transmit signals to the ground but also receive them without being drowned out by the engine noise. Additionally the new methods will make it difficult for the enemy to intercept the signals.
On the western front the German’s continue their bombardment of the Avocourt Woods near Verdun. However the Crown Prince’s infantry were unable to gain any ground in what is described as a feeble assault on the east bank of the Meuse near Thiaumont farm. On the Italian front, the Austrians have abandoned their advanced positions before Rovereto. In fact all Austrian positions in the Adige River Valley have been cleared in anticipation of a major Italian offensive. The Austrians have now concentrated 300,000 troops on the Trentino-Tyrol front.